Orthodontic Expenses

24054811 l useful goods

A dentist explains the risks of not wearing rubber over braces!

Patient: Doctor, I find the rubber banding for orthodontics very troublesome. It stands out when I open my mouth, and I don't want to do it... Dentist Well, it is true that many people find it difficult to put on the elastic. But if you don't do it, your teeth and bite may not be aligned properly. Now...
23194268 s remedy

Can a Receptive Mouth be Cured? Includes treatment methods and celebrities with a passive mouth!

Patient I have a problem with a passive mouth.... A crooked mouth is not cute, is it? Dentist No, no, no! That's not true! In fact, there are many entertainers with a passive mouth who are praised as cute and beautiful. In this issue, we will introduce the treatment method of a backdoor and some attractive celebrities with a backdoor....
bucktooth 1 mouthpiece orthodontics

Is Overbite Cute? Why you should treat it.

Patient Doctor, should I get my overbite fixed? Dentist Yes, it is. I think it is better to cure it for the sake of oral health, because overbite has several problems that can affect the life of the teeth. In this article, I will discuss overbite! What is an overbite Overbite...
IMG 1470 mouthpiece orthodontics

9 Patterns of Regret with Invisalign! How to avoid failure?

Patient I want to get braces with Invisalign, but I would like to know about the experiences of people who regret having Invisalign and what I can do to avoid mistakes! Dentist I understand! Now, I will tell you 9 patterns of regret with Invisalign and what to do to avoid failure...
shutterstock 1490266595 mouthpiece orthodontics

How much does Invisalign cost? Explanation of market rates and cost differences between clinics.

Patient I would like to get braces with Invisalign. I heard that there are cheaper Invisalign plans for minor cases, but how much are they? Dentist Invisalign has various plans depending on coverage, and we recommend Invisalign for front teeth only or mild cases....
New file 9 Other

Which celebrities have Invisalign? And before and afters!

Patient I heard that "celebrities are using Invisalign to straighten their teeth," but can it be done properly and beautifully? Dentist Invisalign is the pioneer of mouthpiece orthodontics. The material and system development has progressed, and it is an orthodontic solution that can adequately correct the alignment of teeth....
What is the difference between those who need correction and those who do not? remedy

What is the difference between those who need correction and those who do not?

Patient Doctor, what is the difference between someone who needs orthodontics and someone who does not? Dentist People with orthodontic misalignment or abnormal bite are those who need orthodontics. However, it is also important to know if the patient feels that orthodontics is necessary, so this is a difficult question. In this issue of Orthodontic...
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Dentist's Commentary] To Avoid Regrets in Jaw Deformity Treatment! Explains the cost, length of hospital stay, and flow of treatment!

Patient What is jaw deformity? I found it when I was researching orthodontic treatment... Dentist Jaw deformity is a condition in which abnormal jawbone morphology and balance results in a disrupted facial appearance and bite, causing both aesthetic and functional problems. For example... mandible...
bucktooth 1 aesthetic appreciation

Can partial braces fix bucktooth?

Partial orthodontic treatment is an orthodontic method to correct bucktooth by moving only the front teeth. Can I fix my bucktooth with partial braces? Can partial braces fix my bucktooth? If you have questions such as "Can my bucktooth be cured by partial braces? Can partial braces fix bucktooth? Partial braces are a treatment that does not move the back teeth...
22213579 m remedy

What is the difference between those who can and cannot have partial correction?

Because of the short treatment time and low cost of partial orthodontics, many people may consider it as a candidate treatment method for those who are concerned only about the alignment of their front teeth. However, since partial orthodontic treatment involves partial tooth movement, the number of applicable cases is limited. In this issue, we will discuss what is the difference between those who can have partial orthodontic treatment and those who cannot...

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