
bucktooth 1 mouthpiece orthodontics

Is Overbite Cute? Why you should treat it.

Patient Doctor, should I get my overbite fixed? Dentist Yes, it is. I think it is better to cure it for the sake of oral health, because overbite has several problems that can affect the life of the teeth. In this article, I will discuss overbite! What is an overbite Overbite...
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Which celebrities have had implant treatment? Why are implants so popular with celebrities?

Patient Doctor, are implants popular with celebrities? Dentist Yes, they are. Many celebrities who have lost their teeth for some reason choose to have highly aesthetic implants. In this issue, we will discuss celebrities who have had implants and the popularity of implants among celebrities...
IMG 1470 mouthpiece orthodontics

9 Patterns of Regret with Invisalign! How to avoid failure?

Patient I want to get braces with Invisalign, but I would like to know about the experiences of people who regret having Invisalign and what I can do to avoid mistakes! Dentist I understand! Now, I will tell you 9 patterns of regret with Invisalign and what to do to avoid failure...
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How much does Invisalign cost? Explanation of market rates and cost differences between clinics.

Patient I would like to get braces with Invisalign. I heard that there are cheaper Invisalign plans for minor cases, but how much are they? Dentist Invisalign has various plans depending on coverage, and we recommend Invisalign for front teeth only or mild cases....
New file 9 Other

Which celebrities have Invisalign? And before and afters!

Patient I heard that "celebrities are using Invisalign to straighten their teeth," but can it be done properly and beautifully? Dentist Invisalign is the pioneer of mouthpiece orthodontics. The material and system development has progressed, and it is an orthodontic solution that can adequately correct the alignment of teeth....
What is the difference between those who need correction and those who do not? remedy

What is the difference between those who need correction and those who do not?

Patient Doctor, what is the difference between someone who needs orthodontics and someone who does not? Dentist People with orthodontic misalignment or abnormal bite are those who need orthodontics. However, it is also important to know if the patient feels that orthodontics is necessary, so this is a difficult question. In this issue of Orthodontic...
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Does a bad bite require orthodontics?

Patient I am not inconvenienced in my daily life, but do I need orthodontics if I have a bad bite? Dentist If possible, we recommend orthodontic treatment because adjusting your bite with orthodontics can help maintain and improve the health of not only your mouth but also your whole body. In this issue, we recommend orthodontic...
513966 s preventive dentistry

Ten toothpastes recommended by dentists and dental hygienists, by effectiveness!

There are five major types of toothpaste, each containing ingredients that are effective in preventing or improving tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, sensitivity, and staining. To choose the right toothpaste, it is important to select a toothpaste that contains medicinal ingredients with the effects you want. In this article, we will discuss the effects of toothpaste, the taste...
3012895 s Other

What causes mouth ulcers? Includes medications and how to treat them! 

Stomatitis is a condition that occurs in the mucous membranes of the mouth, such as the gums and tongue, and can cause pain or discomfort when touched or when irritated by food or drink. The mouth is one of the most sensitive parts of the human body, and even a small amount of pain or discomfort can affect daily life...
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Three patterns in which orthodontics is covered by insurance

Patient I heard that orthodontic treatment is covered by insurance, is this true? Dentist Severe cases of abnormal bite due to disease or failure of three or more permanent front teeth to erupt may be covered by insurance with a medical institution designated by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and the use of orthodontic appliances...

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