
Dental Unit Image Mouth problems

How much does a dentist charge for a cleaning? Explanation of market rates and insurance coverage conditions.

The mouth greatly affects a person's impression. No matter how well dressed you are, if your teeth are yellow or you have bad breath, your attractiveness will be reduced by half. The oral cavity is a habitat for a variety of bacteria, and self-care alone is not sufficient to remove all the stains. Remaining plaque...
Bad Breath Illustration Mouth problems

Differences between those who are cured by outpatient halitosis and those who are not. Treatment details, costs, and effectiveness.

The closer you are to people, whether on public transportation, at work, or spending time with your loved ones, the more you worry about "bad breath. It would be a shame to have someone you want to get along with keep their distance from you because of a halitosis complex. In this contents, we will introduce you to people who have been cured by outpatient halitosis treatment and those who have not...
22251476 s halitosis

What Causes Children's Halitosis? What can we learn from children's halitosis?

Patient: Doctor, my child's mouth smells like poo. I think it is bad breath, but what is the cause? Dentist Children's bad breath is a barometer of physical and mental problems, not just in the mouth. In this article, we will discuss the causes of children's halitosis and what we can learn from children's halitosis...
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How to get rid of garlic breath? I'll tell you what to do before, during and after meals.

Patient Doctor! I'm going on a barbeque date...but...I'm worried about my garlic breath...is there any way to get rid of it right away? Dentist Bad breath after eating garlic on a date is a matter of life and death.... In this article, I'll show you how to get rid of garlic bad breath that you can do right away...
IMG 2034 halitosis

What do people with smelly mouths have in common? I will tell you how to cure it.

Patient Doctor, a smelly mouth gives the impression of being unclean...I feel that everyone with a smelly mouth smells like a dope...why is that? Dentist Actually, there are some commonalities among people whose mouths smell like doo-doo. In this article, I will discuss common characteristics of people with smelly mouths and how to cure them...
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What is the toothpaste situation like in Korea? Introducing popular oral care items.

Patient: Doctor, Korean idols have very beautiful teeth! Do all Koreans have beautiful teeth? Dentist Yes, they are...! Now, let's talk about the tooth brushing situation in Korea! We will also introduce some popular oral care items in Korea, so please take a look...
24106179 m preventive dentistry

Is a white tongue a disease? We will tell you why it is white and how to get it off and back!

Patient: Doctor, I have a white substance on my tongue that I cannot remove. Is this a disease? Dentist The white stuff on the tongue is "tongue debris. In this article, we will talk about what tongue coating is and how to remove it! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle |...
Correction 6 Other

What Causes a Sore Tongue? How to heal it and how it relates to stress."

The tongue is a very sensitive organ; it can sense even a single hair. There are many causes of a sore tongue, some of which require a bit of attention. What causes a sore tongue? Stomatitis Stomatitis can be caused by mechanical irritation in the mouth, vitamin deficiency, stre...
1015740 m preventive dentistry

Explains the causes of bad breath, the characteristics of people without stinky balls, how to get them, and how to prevent them. Can the dentist take it off?

Patient What are odor balls that can cause bad breath? Dentist A smelly ball is a dead mass of foreign substances, bacteria, and viruses that invade from the outside. In this article, we will explain the characteristics of people who do not have odor balls, how to remove them, and how to prevent them! (adsbygoogle = window.ad...
IMG 2034 preventive dentistry

Causes and countermeasures for bad breath of concern

Patient When and what causes bad breath? Dentist Bad breath can give the impression of being unclean, so it is a concern. There are many types of bad breath. In this issue, we will introduce the causes and countermeasures for bad breath that you may be concerned about! Causes of Halitosis Halitosis...

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