silkworm (Bombyx mori)

26651105 m aesthetic appreciation

Is the E-line the reason for a beautiful profile? A dental hygienist explains how to be beautiful!

Patient I heard that the E-line is a requirement for a beautiful profile. Dental Hygienist The E-line is often mentioned as a characteristic of a particularly beautiful profile. But the E-line is not the only condition for a beautiful woman! In this issue, we will discuss whether the E-line is the only reason for a beautiful profile? How to be beautiful...
caroline lm m 4tYmtLlI unsplash preventive dentistry

Regular dental checkups not worth it? Why are dental checkups important?

Patient: My dentist wants me to come for regular checkups while I am in orthodontic treatment. I don't see the point in going if there is no pain... Dentist I see... So, in this article, is there any point in regular checkups at the dentist? I will talk about why dental checkups are important! Regular checkups...
25686272 s 1 preventive dentistry

Can acid erosion be cured? We will tell you about treatment, costs, and toothpaste.

Patient: Doctor, what is "acid erosion"? Can it be cured? Dentist Acid erosion is teeth dissolved by acid in foods and drinks. In this article, we will discuss whether acid erosion can be cured. We will tell you about treatment, costs, and toothpaste! Can it be cured? What is acid erosion?
creativefred amk7Q9 Xo6I unsplash Other

What are grills to put on teeth? I'll tell you how to make them and what to look out for.

Patient Doctor! I am concerned about the "grills" you put on my teeth. What are they, anyway? Dentist: Understood! In this article, I will explain what are Grills? I will explain how they are made, what to look out for, and how they differ from tooth gems! (adsbygoogle = wi...
3291082 l 1 halitosis

How to get rid of garlic breath? I'll tell you what to do before, during and after meals.

Patient Doctor! I'm going on a barbeque date...but...I'm worried about my garlic there any way to get rid of it right away? Dentist Bad breath after eating garlic on a date is a matter of life and death.... In this article, I'll show you how to get rid of garlic bad breath that you can do right away...
3214135 s Mouth problems

Why I feel my life has changed with braces! Five happy moments!

Patient Doctor! Is it true that getting braces can change your life? Dentist Yes, people do say that braces make them feel positive! In this issue of 365dentist, we'll be looking at 5 reasons why people feel that braces have changed their lives, an...
4195275 m Mouth problems

How to heal to the correct tongue position? How to heal as an adult.

Patient Doctor! Is it true that the tongue has a correct position? Dentist Yes. It is usually hard to notice because we are not aware of it, but there is a correct position for the tongue. In this article, I will introduce the correct position of the tongue and tips on how to fix it in the correct position! What is the correct position of the tongue The correct position of the tongue...
3291082 l Mouth problems

Why do I chew on my cheek meat? Countermeasures and causes.

Patient Doctor, I often bite my cheek meat...why is this? Dentist Chewing on cheek meat is painful and can cause blood. In this article, I will discuss the causes and remedies for biting cheek meat! The origin of biting cheek meat...
25686272 s Other

What are Gizzard Teeth? Includes popular cartoon characters!

Patient Doctor! What are jagged teeth? I often hear it in cartoon characters... Dentist Gizzard teeth are teeth with jagged edges! In this article, we will introduce some popular cartoon characters with jagged teeth! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoo...
22446010 l Other

How effective are sports mouthpieces? Are baseball players using it? Advantages and disadvantages are also introduced.

A sports mouthpiece is a mouthpiece that protects the teeth from impact to the mouth while playing sports. It is also called a "mouth guard." In this article, we will introduce the benefits, advantages, and disadvantages of sports mouthpieces! Benefits of a sports mouthpiece...

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