implant (esp. dental)

Copy of correction 9 1 implant (esp. dental)

Can I have an MRI scan even if I have implants or orthodontics?

Dental treatment involves the use of many metals. These metals include titanium used for implants, cobalt, chromium, and nickel used for orthodontic treatment, and silver and palladium used for crown restorations. Dental treatments using these metals...
12 implant (esp. dental)

How long is the treatment period for implants? Is there any way to shorten it?

Implant treatment is a good treatment that can replace missing teeth without affecting other teeth. However, implant treatment is not covered by health insurance and the treatment period can be longer than other treatments that replace missing teeth. Implant...
Correction 9 implant (esp. dental)

Are implants a disadvantage in old age? What you need to know to eliminate worry.

Patient: Doctor, I heard that implants are difficult to maintain and that it is better not to put them in considering my old age. Is the disadvantage in old age really that great? Dentist It is true that I have heard such opinions. When I think about my old age, I have lost a tooth...
What is the difference between those who need braces and those who do not? 1 implant (esp. dental)

How much will I get back for implants through the medical expense deduction? Explanation of how to apply!

Patient: Doctor, I heard that implants are deductible medical expenses. How much will I get back? Dentist If you receive a deduction for medical expenses for implants, the amount you will get back depends on your income. I would like to introduce some specific examples of how much you can get back from the deduction of medical expenses for implants...
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What are the risks of implants? A specialist explains the advantages and disadvantages in simple terms!

Patient: Implants are a little scary. I'd like to know not only the advantages but also the disadvantages before starting treatment. Japanese Society of Oral Implantology Specialist Implant is a good treatment method, but if I don't know about it, I feel uneasy. An implant specialist will explain the disadvantages of implants...
peter kasprzyk U1gvhqVQ2kQ unsplash implant (esp. dental)

How much does one implant cost? How much do implants cost and how to find a good clinic?

Patient I am thinking of getting implants, how much does one implant cost? Dentist The total cost of implants is about 300,000-600,000 yen per implant. In this issue, we will discuss the cost of implants and how to find a good clinic! The cost price of implants i...
shutterstock 1089498080 implant (esp. dental)

Dentist's Explanation] What is an anchor screw? Why are they used in orthodontics?

Patient: During my orthodontic consultation, I was told that anchor screws are used. What are they? Dentist Anchor screws, also called implant anchors, are implants used in orthodontic treatment. Let me explain in detail. What is an anchor screw yo...
IMG 2039 implant (esp. dental)

What is the difference between implants, bridges and dentures? Gently explained.

What to do after tooth extraction? Thorough comparison of the differences between implants, bridges, and dentures! ◎: Healthy own teeth ○: Slightly inferior, but no problem once you get used to it △: Inferior ×: Completely different Implant Bridge Dentures Appearance ◎ ○ × Durability ◎ △ △ △ - × Easy to brush ...
22705827 implant (esp. dental)

How much does it cost to get an implant? How much is the market price for implants?

Many clinics list the cost of implants in detail, including the diagnosis fee, abutment fee, guide fee, surgery fee, etc., but it is safe to assume that the market price for one implant is about 300,000-600,000 yen per implant all together. The cost quotes for implants vary...
652670 implant (esp. dental)

Dentist's Direct] Points on Choosing a Dentist - Implants

Although implants have become a common treatment after tooth extraction, they are still not covered by insurance, are expensive, and are a surgical procedure, so you want to be treated at a clinic you can trust. In this article, we will tell you the important things to consider when choosing a dentist to perform dental implants! 1. Dental clinic...

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