
New file 3 Money Matters

What if I want to fix my teeth but don't have the money? 

Patient I want to get my teeth straightened out, but I don't have the money... Is there any way to make money or lower the cost of orthodontic treatment? Dentist Yes, there are! There are ways to reduce the cost of orthodontic treatment itself by using medical expense deductibles, insurance coverage, partial orthodontic...
remedy Other

[Updated as needed] 15 before and afters of celebrities who have had dental braces.

Patient Doctor! I saw a celebrity on TV the other day who looked so much better and more beautiful, what's the difference? Dentist Hmmm...maybe it's her teeth? Patient Ah! Maybe it is! All celebrities have nice teeth...
shutterstock 1505970362 2 Other

Dentist's Commentary] To Avoid Regrets in Jaw Deformity Treatment! Explains the cost, length of hospital stay, and flow of treatment!

Patient What is jaw deformity? I found it when I was researching orthodontic treatment... Dentist Jaw deformity is a condition in which abnormal jawbone morphology and balance results in a disrupted facial appearance and bite, causing both aesthetic and functional problems. For example... mandible...
shutterstock 1089498080 implant (esp. dental)

Dentist's Explanation] What is an anchor screw? Why are they used in orthodontics?

Patient: During my orthodontic consultation, I was told that anchor screws are used. What are they? Dentist Anchor screws, also called implant anchors, are implants used in orthodontic treatment. Let me explain in detail. What is an anchor screw yo...
articular disk Other

What is TMJ disorder? Causes and Treatments

The temporomandibular joint is a joint connecting the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone, which is part of the skull, and the mandibular head of the mandible. Dentist The only human joint in which the left and right joints move in tandem. TMJ and Muscles There is a cartilage called the articular disc between the mandibular fossa and the mandibular head, which moves in conjunction with the movement of the TMJ, and the TMJ...
teeth brush002 Other

What are the effects of fluoride in toothpaste? Is it really dangerous?

Many of you have probably seen fluoride in toothpaste. Patient I use toothpaste with fluoride for some reason, but actually I don't really know what effect fluoride has. Dentist Yes, that's right...
IMG 2039 implant (esp. dental)

What is the difference between implants, bridges and dentures? Gently explained.

What to do after tooth extraction? Thorough comparison of the differences between implants, bridges, and dentures! ◎: Healthy own teeth ○: Slightly inferior, but no problem once you get used to it △: Inferior ×: Completely different Implant Bridge Dentures Appearance ◎ ○ × Durability ◎ △ △ △ - × Easy to brush ...

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