preventive dentistry

628 Gargling after brushing teeth5 preventive dentistry

"Tips on how to correctly gargle after brushing your teeth and how to get the most out of fluoride."

Many people are tempted to gargle several times after brushing their teeth. However, in recent years, it has been suggested to refrain from gargling in order to prevent tooth decay. In this article, we will discuss the Gothenburg Method recommended by dentists and how to gargle effectively to prevent cavities...
Dentifrice_Wet Tissue preventive dentistry

How to choose and properly use toothpaste sheets and sheet-type toothpaste

Did you know that there are wet wipes specially designed for oral use called toothpaste sheets? There are various types available on the market, including those containing xylitol and low-irritant, non-alcoholic types. By using them, you can simply remove bad breath and oral dirt...
parent and child brushing their teeth Pediatric Dentistry

How Long to Finish Brushing? Age-specific tips and tricks to keep it fun

When your baby begins to have his or her lovely front teeth, the toothbrush begins in earnest. By the time your child is a little older, he or she will be holding the toothbrush. It is very important that your child brush by himself/herself to get used to the toothbrush. However, stains...
bottle Mouth problems

Alternatives to toothpaste. Effective alternatives to oral care.

Ideally, you should brush your teeth every day. Even though we know this, in some situations it may not be possible. In this issue, we will discuss effective alternative methods and substitutes for tooth brushing in such situations. Alternatives when brushing is not possible Gargling After eating or drinking, brushing your teeth is...
Dental Unit Image Mouth problems

How much does a dentist charge for a cleaning? Explanation of market rates and insurance coverage conditions.

The mouth greatly affects a person's impression. No matter how well dressed you are, if your teeth are yellow or you have bad breath, your attractiveness will be reduced by half. The oral cavity is a habitat for a variety of bacteria, and self-care alone is not sufficient to remove all the stains. Remaining plaque...
Bad Breath Illustration Mouth problems

Differences between those who are cured by outpatient halitosis and those who are not. Treatment details, costs, and effectiveness.

The closer you are to people, whether on public transportation, at work, or spending time with your loved ones, the more you worry about "bad breath. It would be a shame to have someone you want to get along with keep their distance from you because of a halitosis complex. In this contents, we will introduce you to people who have been cured by outpatient halitosis treatment and those who have not...
Toothbrush dental care 4528583 1280 toothbrush

Toothbrush Replacement Timing] Because it's something you use every day, you need to know the right way and timing to replace your toothbrush.

How and Why to Replace Toothbrushes When to Replace Toothbrushes It is important to know how to use toothbrushes correctly because they are used every day. How long do you replace your toothbrush? When a toothbrush is used daily with proper force, one to one and a half months...
IMG 6338. Mouth problems

Why does hypersensitivity hurt all the time? A thorough explanation of causes and remedies

What is Sensitivity Sensitivity is a general term for a painful condition caused by thinning tooth enamel. In this content, we will discuss the causes, remedies, prevention and solutions for persistent pain like visual sensitivity. Symptoms of Hypersensitivity Hot or cold...
27750913 s preventive dentistry

What is the brown crust that comes out of mouthwash?

Patient: Doctor, I am concerned about a mouthwash that produces brown debris when used. What is the brown crud that comes out of the mouthwash? Dentist - "I can see the dirt in your mouth!" Mouthwash is a popular topic of conversation. I just gargled and the brown crusts...
26163070 s preventive dentistry

Dental checkup terms explained in an easy-to-understand manner! Learn to understand the status of cavities and periodontal disease.

Patient Doctor, when you look at my mouth during a dental checkup, you say things like "maru" or "shi-o" or spells like that, don't you? What are those? Dentist Those are dental terms to quickly tell you the status of each tooth! When you know what they mean, you can understand the status of your mouth...

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