
1976732 l Mouth problems

My lips suddenly swelled up! What is the cause and how to cure it?

Patient: Doctor, my lips suddenly swelled up..! What is this? Dentist There are several causes of sudden swelling of the lips. They vary in terms of pain and itching, so let's take a look at the possible causes of swollen lips and how to treat them! 11 Causes of Sudden Swelling of the Lips Sudden swelling of the lips...
Correction 5 Mouth problems

What to do if an orthodontic bracket or wire comes off? First aid and how to deal with it

Patient: Doctor, my orthodontic bracket has come off. What should I do? Dentist If the orthodontic bracket comes off and you are unable to see your dentist immediately, contact your dentist and then make an emergency... by securing the bracket to the wire with orthodontic wax or cutting the wire with nippers or nail clippers.
Correction 1 Mouth problems

Is it true that gummy smiles are more common in women? Is there a way to smile that is less noticeable?

Patient: Doctor, I heard that gummy smiles are common among women. Is it true? Dentist Gummy smiles are a concern because they are related to appearance. In this article, I will discuss why gummy smiles are more common in women, how to smile inconspicuously, and how to cure a gummy smile! (ads...
3291082 l Other

What is the vomiting reflex? If you know what causes it and what to do about it, your dentist can help!

Patient Doctor...I get "oops" when someone touches the inside of my mouth. I'm too scared to go to the dentist. Can you do something about it? Dentist It is true that it is difficult to go to the dentist if you are prone to the vomiting reflex. People who are prone to the vomiting reflex have a hard time going to the dentist, and worms...
s 1000x667 v fs webp 541a49d2 d62e 4c8e 9104 34667e74c462 Money Matters

What high-cost treatments are covered by dentistry? Are ceramics covered?

Patient I would like to know which treatments are covered by the high medical expenses! Are ceramics also covered? Dentist As it turns out, ceramics that are not for cosmetic purposes are eligible. In this issue, we will explain about the dental treatment that is covered by the high medical expenses and how to use the high medical expenses! High cost medical...
cc21aaaf e747 48e7 918f a7537749e093 Dentist's Choice for Orthodontics

Akihabara Orthodontics, Akihabara, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Access: JR, Tokyo Metro, Tsukuba Express "Akihabara" 3 min. walk ✅ Those who want to be treated by a veteran specialist from start to finish ✅ Those who want to be treated by a doctor who is easy to talk to about anything ✅ Those who are considering treating children, 60...

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