
Bad Breath Illustration Mouth problems

Differences between those who are cured by outpatient halitosis and those who are not. Treatment details, costs, and effectiveness.

The closer you are to people, whether on public transportation, at work, or spending time with your loved ones, the more you worry about "bad breath. It would be a shame to have someone you want to get along with keep their distance from you because of a halitosis complex. In this contents, we will introduce you to people who have been cured by outpatient halitosis treatment and those who have not...
22251476 s halitosis

What Causes Children's Halitosis? What can we learn from children's halitosis?

Patient: Doctor, my child's mouth smells like poo. I think it is bad breath, but what is the cause? Dentist Children's bad breath is a barometer of physical and mental problems, not just in the mouth. In this article, we will discuss the causes of children's halitosis and what we can learn from children's halitosis...
27750913 s preventive dentistry

What is the brown crust that comes out of mouthwash?

Patient: Doctor, I am concerned about a mouthwash that produces brown debris when used. What is the brown crud that comes out of the mouthwash? Dentist - "I can see the dirt in your mouth!" Mouthwash is a popular topic of conversation. I just gargled and the brown crusts...
Correction 2 preventive dentistry

Can Listerine remove tartar? What to do if you have tartar and how to prevent it

Patient: Doctor, I heard that gargling with Listerine removes tartar! Is it true? Dentist Hmmm. It's tartar...I understand! In this article, we will discuss whether Listerine can remove tartar? I will talk about preventive measures to deal with tartar formation! (adsbygoog...
4195275 m preventive dentistry

Should I not brush my tongue? How to brush properly and the advantages and disadvantages.

Patient: I heard that I shouldn't brush my tongue because it makes my breath bad. Is this true? Dentist Yes, tongue brushing is an effective form of self-care for bad breath. However, it must be done correctly because there are harmful effects caused by incorrect or excessive tongue brushing. In this issue, we will discuss tongue brushing...
3291082 l 1 halitosis

How to get rid of garlic breath? I'll tell you what to do before, during and after meals.

Patient Doctor! I'm going on a barbeque date...but...I'm worried about my garlic breath...is there any way to get rid of it right away? Dentist Bad breath after eating garlic on a date is a matter of life and death.... In this article, I'll show you how to get rid of garlic bad breath that you can do right away...
24106179 m preventive dentistry

Is a white tongue a disease? We will tell you why it is white and how to get it off and back!

Patient: Doctor, I have a white substance on my tongue that I cannot remove. Is this a disease? Dentist The white stuff on the tongue is "tongue debris. In this article, we will talk about what tongue coating is and how to remove it! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle |...
Concours F preventive dentistry

How effective is Concours f? Is it true that it has great sterilizing power?

Patient I was looking for a mouthwash that provides total oral care and was told that Concours F has great disinfecting power. Is it true? Dentist Concourt F is a mouthwash with such high disinfecting power that it is even used for gargling in dental clinics. In this issue, Dr. Yukiko...
IMG 2034 preventive dentistry

Causes and countermeasures for bad breath of concern

Patient When and what causes bad breath? Dentist Bad breath can give the impression of being unclean, so it is a concern. There are many types of bad breath. In this issue, we will introduce the causes and countermeasures for bad breath that you may be concerned about! Causes of Halitosis Halitosis...

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