tooth extraction

Correction 11 oral surgery

Why does it hurt where the dentist gave me anesthesia? Explains the types of anesthesia and what to look out for!

Anesthesia in dentistry is used for all parts of the dental process, including cavity treatment, tooth extraction, and implant treatment. It is no exaggeration to say that dental treatment is impossible without anesthesia. Anesthesia uses a needle to inject a chemical solution into the gums and other parts of the body, which causes pain not only when the needle is inserted, but also after the anesthesia...
25248034 l Other

Is it true that wisdom teeth removal can make you look smaller? Why is it said to change your face?

Patient Doctor, is it true that removing wisdom teeth can make me look smaller? Dentist Wisdom teeth grow at the very back of the dentition. Since they grow close to the edge of the jaw, you may have heard that removing them can clear the facial lines and give you a smaller face! In this issue, we will discuss the wisdom teeth...
22487430 oral surgery

Why does my adjacent tooth hurt after wisdom tooth extraction? A dentist explains in detail.

Wisdom teeth are the eighth teeth counting from the front. In Japanese people, due to the small size of the jaw, they tend to grow sideways or at an angle. When this happens, wisdom teeth are more susceptible to decay and infection and are therefore indicated for extraction. When wisdom teeth are extracted, the parental...
375356 Other

Dentist Supervisor] What is the white pudendum after tooth extraction?

When a tooth is extracted due to tooth decay or gum disease, a hole is created in the gum. The hole will gradually close up, but after the tooth is extracted, a white, squishy substance will appear during the healing process. Who are these white squishy things? (adsbygoogle = wind...
4247512 s tooth extraction

What to eat after tooth extraction? Recommended diet and precautions [Dentist's commentary].

Many people may feel anxious when they are faced with the extraction of a tooth due to decay, root disease, or swollen wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth and bicuspids (fourth or fifth from the front) may also be extracted before orthodontic treatment. In this issue, we will discuss how to eat after tooth extraction...

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