small face (of a woman; generally considered attractive)

26523318 s aesthetic appreciation

Exercise your orbicularis oris muscle to change your face! Effective exercises and products.

Patient Doctor, I heard that exercising the orbicularis oris muscle can change the face. Is this true? Dentist The orbicularis oris muscle is related to facial lines and facial sagging, so exercising it can change the look of your face. In this issue, we will discuss what happens when the orbicularis oris muscle deteriorates, and effective exercises for the orbicularis oris muscle...
25248034 l Other

Is it true that wisdom teeth removal can make you look smaller? Why is it said to change your face?

Patient Doctor, is it true that removing wisdom teeth can make me look smaller? Dentist Wisdom teeth grow at the very back of the dentition. Since they grow close to the edge of the jaw, you may have heard that removing them can clear the facial lines and give you a smaller face! In this issue, we will discuss the wisdom teeth...

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