Pediatric Dentistry

parent and child brushing their teeth Pediatric Dentistry

How Long to Finish Brushing? Age-specific tips and tricks to keep it fun

When your baby begins to have his or her lovely front teeth, the toothbrush begins in earnest. By the time your child is a little older, he or she will be holding the toothbrush. It is very important that your child brush by himself/herself to get used to the toothbrush. However, stains...
IMG 6328 Pediatric Dentistry

How do pacifiers affect the alignment of teeth? Advantages and disadvantages of pacifiers, when and how to stop using them.

Do pacifiers affect the alignment of teeth? The sight of a baby wearing a pacifier is quite adorable. However, some people are concerned about the effect on the alignment of teeth. In this column, we will discuss the effects of pacifiers on children's teeth, the advantages and disadvantages...
IMG 3563 Pediatric Dentistry

What is MFT (oral myofunctional therapy)?

I want to have a beautiful set of teeth throughout my life. This is a wish shared by many people. One way to fulfill this wish is through functional training called "MFT (oral myofunctional therapy). This article explains the merits and demerits of "MFT (oral myofunctional therapy)"...
26457840 s Pediatric Dentistry

What should I do about misaligned baby teeth? What to do before permanent teeth

Deciduous teeth
24812750 s Pediatric Dentistry

Is it safe for permanent teeth to erupt if the baby teeth don't fall out?

Patient My child has permanent teeth that have grown in while the baby teeth have not fallen out. Is it okay? Dentist The problem of permanent teeth erupting while baby teeth are not coming out is a problem that tends to occur in the older kindergarten to early elementary school years. Dentition...
22048525 s preventive dentistry

How to choose a toothpaste for children and 10 popular recommendations

Patient: Doctor, my child is teething and I want to use a toothpaste. What should I look for in choosing the right one? Dentist In this article, we will talk about how to choose the best toothpaste for children. We will also present a ranking of 10 popular recommendations for children's toothpaste, so please refer...
Copies of Corrections oral surgery

How to clean up a cleft lip and palate and what to look out for | A Dentist Explains Thoroughly

In this issue, a dentist explains about cleft lip and palate, how it can be treated beautifully, and frequently asked questions. Written by Dentist/issy After graduating from the National School of Dentistry, I trained at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University Dental Hospital and am currently working in general dentistry and orthodontics. He is a member of the Japan Oral Imp...
26918228 s Mouth problems

What are congenital absent teeth? Causes, treatments, and how to recover from the shock.

Patient During orthodontic treatment, doctor, I heard that I was born with fewer teeth than others...I'm shocked. Dentist I see that you were right... In dentistry, being born with a small number of teeth is called "congenital deficient teeth". What is congenital deficient tooth, causes, treatment, sh...
4329900 m Pediatric Dentistry

When do baby teeth come in? A dentist explains the order and age at which they fall out!

Human teeth erupt from deciduous teeth to permanent teeth once in life. The age and order in which they erupt varies, but there are certain rules. Knowing this, it is possible to understand to some extent whether or not it is appropriate for a child's teeth to erupt at the right time, or whether or not it is okay for them not to erupt...

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