365 Demtist お役立ち情報
「矯正」(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusionお役立ち情報一覧
Can partial braces fix bucktooth?
部分矯正は、前歯のみを動かして出っ歯を治す矯正方法です。 出っ歯を部分矯正で治せるの? 部分矯正で私...
What is the difference between those who can and cannot have partial correction?
Should wisdom teeth be removed before orthodontic treatment? The relationship between wisdom teeth and tooth alignment [Dentist Explains].
親知らずという言葉を聞くと、厄介なものというイメージを抱く人が日本人には多いと思います。 矯正治療を...
What to do on a meal date during orthodontic treatment? Here are some recommendations and things to keep in mind.
What kind of ceramic braces do celebrities have? Costs, advantages and disadvantages.
この記事では以下の内容がわかります。 芸能人は歯並びが綺麗で歯が白い人が多いですよね。芸能人の綺麗な...
Invisalign Treatment Flow