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oral surgery
「口腔外科」(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusionお役立ち情報一覧
Can I have an MRI scan even if I have implants or orthodontics?
How to clean up a cleft lip and palate and what to look out for | A Dentist Explains Thoroughly
今回は口唇口蓋裂について、きれいに治る治療方法やよくある質問を歯科医師が解説いたします。 目次 口唇...
What to do if you hit your front teeth? A dentist explains the symptoms.
前歯は転んだりぶつけたりすると、損傷を受ける代表的な歯の部位です。 特に前歯は見た目に表れるところな...
How to fix a distorted face? We show you why braces are effective.
目次 顔の歪みに歯列矯正が効果的な理由|顔が歪む3つの原因顔が歪む原因①|噛み合わせ顔が歪む原因②|...
A thorough explanation of the benefits and cautions of Surgery First! Also introduces the cost!
Why does it hurt where the dentist gave me anesthesia? Explains the types of anesthesia and what to look out for!
歯科における麻酔は虫歯の治療や抜歯、インプラント治療などあらゆる部分に使用されます。 麻酔がないと歯...
Is it true that gummy smiles are more common in women? Is there a way to smile that is less noticeable?
目次 ガミースマイルは女性に多いって本当?ガミースマイルの原因骨格歯の長さ笑い方ガミースマイルは自力...
If you think it's a mouth ulcer, is it cancer? We teach you the difference and how to recognize it.
'Dentist Teaches TMJ Stretching Method! Easy at home!"
顎関節症は一言で言えば顎の痛みや違和感ですが、その原因は多岐に渡ります。 顎関節症になった場合の治療...