tongue cleaner

4195275 m preventive dentistry

Should I not brush my tongue? How to brush properly and the advantages and disadvantages.

Patient: I heard that I shouldn't brush my tongue because it makes my breath bad. Is this true? Dentist Yes, tongue brushing is an effective form of self-care for bad breath. However, it must be done correctly because there are harmful effects caused by incorrect or excessive tongue brushing. In this issue, we will discuss tongue brushing...
24106179 m preventive dentistry

Is a white tongue a disease? We will tell you why it is white and how to get it off and back!

Patient: Doctor, I have a white substance on my tongue that I cannot remove. Is this a disease? Dentist The white stuff on the tongue is "tongue debris. In this article, we will talk about what tongue coating is and how to remove it! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle |...

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