
Correction 6 Other

What Causes a Sore Tongue? How to heal it and how it relates to stress."

The tongue is a very sensitive organ; it can sense even a single hair. There are many causes of a sore tongue, some of which require a bit of attention. What causes a sore tongue? Stomatitis Stomatitis can be caused by mechanical irritation in the mouth, vitamin deficiency, stre...
4353727 m Other

Dentist's Explanation] Why does my tooth hurt even though I don't have a cavity? The reason why your back teeth hurt and how to deal with it.

Dental pain is generally difficult to cease. Since the dental nerve is a nerve that comes from the brain, it has very acute sensation, and when the pain becomes severe, it can even hurt the head. Of course, the cause of a toothache can be due to tooth decay. However, some...
1125346 m Other

Dentist explains the causes, countermeasures, and treatment of gum lowering in orthodontics!

Orthodontic treatment involves many changes in the mouth, such as the movement of the teeth as a result of the force applied to the teeth and the mechanical devices in the mouth. One of these changes is the lowering of the gums during orthodontic treatment. Why do gums fall during orthodontic treatment?
4329900 m Pediatric Dentistry

When do baby teeth come in? A dentist explains the order and age at which they fall out!

Human teeth erupt from deciduous teeth to permanent teeth once in life. The age and order in which they erupt varies, but there are certain rules. Knowing this, it is possible to understand to some extent whether or not it is appropriate for a child's teeth to erupt at the right time, or whether or not it is okay for them not to erupt...
22487430 oral surgery

Why does my adjacent tooth hurt after wisdom tooth extraction? A dentist explains in detail.

Wisdom teeth are the eighth teeth counting from the front. In Japanese people, due to the small size of the jaw, they tend to grow sideways or at an angle. When this happens, wisdom teeth are more susceptible to decay and infection and are therefore indicated for extraction. When wisdom teeth are extracted, the parental...
375356 Other

Dentist Supervisor] What is the white pudendum after tooth extraction?

When a tooth is extracted due to tooth decay or gum disease, a hole is created in the gum. The hole will gradually close up, but after the tooth is extracted, a white, squishy substance will appear during the healing process. Who are these white squishy things? (adsbygoogle = wind...
3012895 s Other

What causes mouth ulcers? Includes medications and how to treat them! 

Stomatitis is a condition that occurs in the mucous membranes of the mouth, such as the gums and tongue, and can cause pain or discomfort when touched or when irritated by food or drink. The mouth is one of the most sensitive parts of the human body, and even a small amount of pain or discomfort can affect daily life...
shutterstock 1505970362 2 Other

Dentist's Commentary] To Avoid Regrets in Jaw Deformity Treatment! Explains the cost, length of hospital stay, and flow of treatment!

Patient What is jaw deformity? I found it when I was researching orthodontic treatment... Dentist Jaw deformity is a condition in which abnormal jawbone morphology and balance results in a disrupted facial appearance and bite, causing both aesthetic and functional problems. For example... mandible...
shutterstock 1089498080 implant (esp. dental)

Dentist's Explanation] What is an anchor screw? Why are they used in orthodontics?

Patient: During my orthodontic consultation, I was told that anchor screws are used. What are they? Dentist Anchor screws, also called implant anchors, are implants used in orthodontic treatment. Let me explain in detail. What is an anchor screw yo...
1638030 tooth extraction

Can wisdom teeth be extracted even if they are close to the nerves?

Dentist This article is written and supervised by a dentist for those who have been told that their wisdom teeth are close to the nerve. The dentist explains whether they can be extracted, the risks involved, and how to examine them. It also explains how to treat nerve palsy if it should occur. What are wisdom teeth Human teeth, including wisdom teeth, are...

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