How much does a dentist charge for a cleaning? Explanation of market rates and insurance coverage conditions.
Differences between those who are cured by outpatient halitosis and those who are not. Treatment details, costs, and effectiveness.
Is it true that braces make eyes bigger? The relationship between teeth and facial balance
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Toothbrush Replacement Timing] Because it's something you use every day, you need to know the right way and timing to replace your toothbrush.
歯ブラシの交換時期の目安と理由 歯ブラシの交換時期 歯ブラシは毎日使うものだからこそ正しい使用方法を...
[Latest 2024] Cost and Recommendation for Home Whitening
How to choose an orthodontist for your dental needs
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It's not too late for high school students to get braces! Thorough explanation of costs, methods and benefits.
Aiko is now beautiful with braces! What is the treatment and how long is it?
2021年に20歳のお誕生日を迎えられ、成年皇族としてお目見えした愛子様。 天皇陛下の妹であらせられ...
Doesn't your orthodontist tell you about cavities? We can teach you how to prevent cavities during orthodontic treatment!
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Cases of Maruyama Orthodontics
叢生(ガタガタ) 症例① 20代男性 患者情報 20代男性 悩み 上下の歯がボコボコしている ...