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Can't Stand the Toothache? First Aid Guide to Getting to Your Appointment
Mouth problems

Can't Stand the Toothache? First Aid Guide to Getting to Your Appointment

If your tooth hurts unbearably, though, your dentist may accept a same-day appointment as an emergency,In many cases, the appointment is unavoidably delayed by several days.

This time, I had a toothache.What to do if you can't hold out until your dentist appointment, first aid at homeWe will talk about such things as

Cause of unbearable pain until dentist appointment

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There are six possible causes of unbearable pain until a dentist appointment

Periodontal disease
Cracked tooth.
Inflamed wisdom teeth
Inflammation or disease other than dental


With advanced caries,Possibility of unbearable throbbing painThere are

Cavities are painless in the early stages. However, if left untreated because it is painless, the nerve in the tooth becomes inflamed, causing severe pain.

periodontal disease

Periodontal disease also becomes a condition where pus accumulates in the roots of the teeth,It can cause pain as an acute symptom.

Periodontal disease, like tooth decay, is initially painless. It is recommended that you see your dentist for regular maintenance and periodontal disease checkups.

Cracked or cracked tooth

Cracked or cracked teeth can cause severe pain.

Caused by teeth grinding, clenching, accidental trauma, etc.It is possible for a tooth to crack in
It is important to note that symptoms may occur immediately after the tooth cracks, or bacteria may enter the tooth through the crack and cause inflammation and pain.

Inflammation of wisdom teeth

Severe pain when wisdom teeth put pressure on the surrounding gums as they erupt or when the gums become inflamed due to inadequate tooth brushing.This is called "periapical caries. This is called "periapical inflammation.

Wisdom teeth are the eighth teeth counting from the front. Their condition varies: some people have them, some do not, and some do, but they are buried in the gums and do not erupt.


As sensitivity progresses, the nerves in the teeth may become inflamed and cause severe pain.

Hypersensitivity isOften caused by habit of brushing teeth hard with a toothbrush, grinding or clenching, gum disease or age-related gum recessionIt is.
If you feel severe pain, see your dentist as soon as possible.

Non-dental inflammation or disease.

Inflammation or disease in areas other than the teeth can cause cascading tooth pain.

Maxillary sinusitis
herpes zoster
Trigeminal neuralgia
Brain Tumors
Heart Disease

In some cases, these illnesses cause tooth pain, and it is necessary to collaborate with medical and psychiatric departments to remedy tooth pain.

What to do in an emergency when you can't hold out until your dentist appointment

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If you cannot tolerate the pain until your dentist appointment, we recommend that you use the following methods

Contact your dentist and request an appointment change.
Find a dentist who accepts patients as emergency patients.
Emergency dental services at night and on weekends and holidays

Contact your family dentist and request an appointment change.

Even if you have an appointment with your family dentist, your condition may suddenly change and your tooth may hurt before your appointment.

In this case,Contact your family dentist and ask if you can accelerate your appointment.Let's do it.
If you are a family member, you may be accepted as an emergency patient.

Find a dentist who accepts patients as emergency patients.

If you cannot accelerate your dentist appointment, try to find another dentist who will accept you as an emergency patient.

However, if you are in the middle of treatment with your family dentist, this may interfere with the progress of your treatment. Be sure to consult with your family dentist before looking for another dentist.

Emergency dental services at night and on holidays

If you experience severe pain at a time when the dentist is not available,Emergency dentistry available at night and on holidaysUse the

The procedure can be taken depending on the condition.

First aid measures you can take at home when you can't hold out until your dentist appointment

The following are first aid measures that can be taken at home when a tooth suddenly starts to hurt.

Take over-the-counter painkillers.
Seirogan packed in the teeth.
Cool the painful area
Remove debris if it is stuck.
. Gargle with gargle or salt water

However, this is only a first aid treatment and does not correct the cause. After first aid treatment, see your dentist as soon as possible.

Take over-the-counter painkillers.

Over-the-counter pain relievers can help reduce tooth pain... If the tooth pain is too severe to see a dentist immediately, use over-the-counter pain relievers to provide first aid.

However, if you can see your dentist right away, make sure you ask if you can take painkillers at the time of your appointment, as you may not be able to diagnose the cause of the problem once the pain is gone.

pack a seirogan in one's teeth

If the toothache is caused by a cavity, filling the cavity with Seirogan will relieve the pain.

Seirogan has the effect of dulling the nerves in the teeth and relieving pain, and the main ingredient in Seirogan is also used as a disinfectant during root canal treatment.

The key to Seirogan is not to drink it, but to crush it and stuff it into the hole in the tooth.

Cool the painful area.

The part of the tooth that hurts.Place a towel dampened with cold water over the cheek to cool it.and may relieve the pain. If you have one on hand, placing an antipyretic sheet over the cheek may also help.

Do not directly cool the tooth with ice in the mouth, as too much cold may irritate and increase the pain.

Remove food debris if it is stuck.

If your teeth or gums are sore and there seems to be a hole in the tooth due to decay or food debris stuck in the gums,Use a toothbrush and floss to gently remove it.

It is acceptable to remove as much as you can, as forcibly tampering with it may make the pain worse.

Gargle with gargle or salt water

If the gums are inflamed, try gargling gently with a gargle or salt water. The pain may be relieved by the anti-inflammatory effect of the gargle and the disinfectant effect of the salt water.

For salt water, dissolve about half a spoonful of salt in a glass of water and gargle.

However, if there are deep periodontal pockets, it is not expected to be very effective.

To avoid aggravating a pain that you can't tolerate until your dentist appointment.

If you cannot tolerate the pain before your dentist appointment,

Touch and stimulate the affected area
Activities that promote blood circulation, such as strenuous exercise, bathing, and alcohol consumption
...lie down and sleep.

This practice may exacerbate the pain and should be avoided.

If the pain is severe, it is tempting to lie down and lie on your side, but the lowered head may increase blood flow to the affected area and increase the pain.

When lying down, the pillow should be raised and the upper body slightly elevated.


Teeth can suddenly hurt due to oral diseases and problems such as cavities, gum disease, and cracked teeth.

If the pain is unbearable, use the following methods

Contact your dentist and request an appointment change.
Find a dentist who accepts patients as emergency patients.
Emergency dental services at night and on weekends and holidays

If you cannot get to the dentist right away, you may be able to relieve pain by trying the following at home.

Take over-the-counter painkillers.
Seirogan packed in the teeth.
Cool the painful area
Remove debris if it is stuck.
. Gargle with gargle or salt water

However, first aid treatment on your own will not eliminate the cause of the toothache. See your dentist as soon as possible.

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n10g4rn9 l03ypdEdkwpnkGLSbrpzM1zEliFJxqwjryrSAB25AeORlOrnS5iKK nUYXrnh9jZas1Ze40WJvxRSr4iXtJ365dentist General Supervisor Dentist/Yukiko 

Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo

UyRZkXPjQvAn5BK9ai6vfhAEgYGCePrS3Id158EZKuev 2TIlSXaZPkxY9dJ 3vCTCm7hqIEw6AzmlpdiuMD8H 9aD01UftplKrgMtn7dmYeSupervisor: Dentist/Naomi

After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.