365 Demtist お役立ち情報
oral surgery
「口腔外科」(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusionお役立ち情報一覧
Is it true that wisdom teeth removal can make you look smaller? Why is it said to change your face?
目次 親知らずを抜くと小顔になるといわれる理由顎のエラ辺りの骨が痩せるから頬骨辺りの骨が痩せるから噛...
What Causes a Sore Tongue? How to heal it and how it relates to stress."
舌は非常に感覚が鋭敏な器官で、髪の毛一本でも感じ取ることができます。 舌が痛くなる原因は様々なものが...
What do you do when you have a toothache and feel like you are dying? Can I call an ambulance?
Dentist explains the causes, countermeasures, and treatment of gum lowering in orthodontics!
Why does my adjacent tooth hurt after wisdom tooth extraction? A dentist explains in detail.
親知らずは前から数えて8番目の歯です。 日本人の場合、顎が小さいことから、横向きに生えてきたり、斜め...
Dentist Supervisor] What is the white pudendum after tooth extraction?
歯を虫歯や歯周病で抜歯すると、歯肉に穴が空きます。 穴はだんだんと塞がってきますが、 抜歯した後には...
Three patterns in which orthodontics is covered by insurance
目次 矯正が保険適応になるパターン3つ顎変形症で噛み合わせを治すのに矯正と顎を切る手術が必要な症例永...
Dentist's Commentary] To Avoid Regrets in Jaw Deformity Treatment! Explains the cost, length of hospital stay, and flow of treatment!
顎変形症(がくへんけいしょう)は、受け口(下顎前突) や 出っ歯(上顎前突) など、顎の成長異常によ...
Good teeth but mouth sores? What treatment is needed to cure mouth sores?
口元が前に突き出ている「口ゴボ」 口ゴボは上の前歯や上下の前歯が突き出ていたり、あごそのものが前に突...
How much does it cost to get an implant? How much is the market price for implants?