Differences between those who are cured by outpatient halitosis and those who are not. Treatment details, costs, and effectiveness.
Toothbrush Replacement Timing] Because it's something you use every day, you need to know the right way and timing to replace your toothbrush.
歯ブラシの交換時期の目安と理由 歯ブラシの交換時期 歯ブラシは毎日使うものだからこそ正しい使用方法を...
[Latest 2024] Cost and Recommendation for Home Whitening
How do pacifiers affect the alignment of teeth? Advantages and disadvantages of pacifiers, when and how to stop using them.
おしゃぶりは歯並びに影響するのか 赤ちゃんがおしゃぶりをしている姿は、なんとも可愛らしいものです。し...
Why does hypersensitivity hurt all the time? A thorough explanation of causes and remedies
知覚過敏とは何か 知覚過敏とは、歯のエナメル質が薄くなることで痛みを感じる症状の総称です。こちらのコ...