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2024 Cavity-Resistant Snacks Ranked!
preventive dentistry

2024 Cavity-Resistant Snacks Ranked!


Doctor, I am looking for a snack that will not cause cavities!
Do you have any recommendations?


I understand!
This time, based on the characteristics of snacks that are less likely to cause cavities and snacks that are more likely to cause cavities,Here is a ranking of 10 snacks that are less likely to cause cavities!

Characteristics of "cavity-resistant" and "cavity-prone" snacks

Cavity-resistant snacks ranking

There are several characteristics of "cavity-prone" and "cavity-resistant" snacks.

Four characteristics of cavity-resistant snacks

There are four characteristics of snacks that are less likely to cause tooth decay.

  • Low in sugar and crunchy.
  • Finished in a short time and does not stick to teeth
  • Made of caries-resistant sugars
  • Contains cavity-preventive ingredients

Characteristics of cavity-resistant snacks (1)|Low sugar content and crunchy texture

Snacks with less sugar are less likely to cause cavities than those with more sugar.

The bacteria that cause tooth decay feed on the sugars in food and produce acids that dissolve teeth. The acid produced by the cavity-causing bacteria dissolves the teeth, which is tooth decay.

Snacks that contain a lot of sugar are said to be more likely to cause tooth decay because of the easy production of acid, which is a prime cause of tooth decay.

Chewing crunchy snacks also stimulates saliva production.

Saliva is effective in preventing tooth decay because it neutralizes the acid produced by cavity-causing bacteria.

Characteristics of cavity-resistant snacks (2)|They are eaten in a short time and do not stick to teeth easily.

Even snacks that contain sugar,Food that can be eaten in a short period of time, is less sticky, and does not stick to the teeth is less likely to cause cavities.

The reason is that the less time sugar is in the mouth, the less time the teeth are exposed to the acid produced by the cavity-causing bacteria.

Characteristics of Cavity-Resistant Snacks (3)/Cavity-Resistant Sugar Content

The third characteristic of a cavity-resistant snack is,It is made of sugar, which is less likely to cause tooth decay.

There are several types of sugar, including fructose, sucrose, and xylitol, which differ in the amount of acid produced by caries-causing bacteria.

Among them, xylitol is a sugar that cannot be used by cavity-causing bacteria to produce acid, i.e., it does not cause tooth decay.

When choosing snacks, choose those with xylitol sugar to avoid cavities.

Characteristics of cavity-resistant snacks (4)|Cavity-preventive ingredients are contained.

Some cavity-fighting snacks contain ingredients that promote tooth remineralization and prevent cavities.

The following ingredients can be expected to have cavity-preventing effects simply by eating them.

  • xylitol (artificial sweetener)
  • recal dent
  • posca
  • fluorine (F)

It is often used in gum, candy, and tablets, so look at the packaging to see if it is used.

Characteristics of snacks prone to tooth decay

Snacks that are prone to cavities are,

  • Contains a lot of sugar.
  • Takes a long time to eat.
  • Sticky and easily sticks to teeth

This is such a treat.

Caramels, candies, and chocolates made of sugar are,Contains a lot of sugar, which is energy for caries bacteria, and is easy to stick to teeth because of the length of time it is contained in the mouth, making it easy to get cavitiesIt is.

However, some caramels, candies, and chocolates contain Ricardent or Posca, which are made of 100% xylitol and are effective in preventing cavities.

Some types of sugar contained in the product can be expected to prevent tooth decay, so check the package to see what type of sugar is contained.

Cavity resistant snacks ranking

Cavity-resistant snacks ranking
  • Low in sugar and crunchy.
  • Finished in a short time and does not stick to teeth
  • Made of caries-resistant sugars
  • Contains cavity-preventive ingredients

Here are 10 snacks ranked by their cavity-resistant characteristics!

No. 1 Cavity-Resistant Snack|100% Xylitol Gum

This gum is made from 100% xylitol, a sugar that inhibits the activity of caries-causing bacteria, promotes saliva secretion, remineralizes teeth, and prevents the production of acid, which is a prime cause of tooth decay.

No.2 Cavity-resistant snack|Shimajiro Xylitol Tablets

These are 100% xylitol tablets that can be eaten by children as young as 2 years old.

It is made of cavity-free sugar and can be used as a reward after brushing teeth. Recommended for children's cavity-preventive care.

No. 3 Cavity-Free Snacks|Chocolate made by dentists

created by Rinker.
¥926 (2024/10/18 04:52:48時点 楽天市場調べ-Details)

This snack is recommended for those who want to eat chocolate without worrying about cavities.

The sugar content is 100% xylitol, so you can eat it without worrying about cavities.

Cavity-resistant snack No. 4|Tomica Kisirigumi

35189 sam
created by Rinker.
¥148 (2024/10/17 13:51:03時点 楽天市場調べ-Details)

These cute gummies are shaped like a car. They are also 100% xylitol, so they are a tasty and fun way to prevent cavities.

Cavity-resistant snack No. 5|POs-Ca (Posca)

created by Rinker.
¥768 (2024/10/17 13:51:03時点 楽天市場調べ-Details)

This gum contains Posca, a sugar that prevents the production of acid, the prime cause of tooth decay, and provides calcium to the teeth to remineralize early cavities.

Because of its acid-neutralizing effect, it is recommended not only as a snack but also as care for those who cannot brush their teeth after eating.

Cavity-resistant snack No. 6|Ricardent gum

This gum contains Ricardent, which replenishes minerals to teeth, promotes remineralization, and strengthens the acid resistance of teeth.

Although it is not as effective as xylitol in inhibiting the action of the cavity-causing bacteria themselves, it can be expected to strengthen teeth simply by eating it.

No.7 Cavity-resistant snack|Tablet U Xylitol + Fluoride

These tablets can be eaten by children as young as 1.5 years old. It contains xylitol and fluoride.

This snack not only prevents cavities, but also strengthens the dental structure.

No.8 Cavity-resistant snack|Tutu Baby L8020 Lactobacillus-containing tablet

Containing L8020 lactobacillus and fluoride, these tablets are recommended by the Japanese School Dentists Association and can be consumed from age 1.5 years.

The tablet is U-shaped and designed to be safe enough not to block a small child's throat even if accidentally swallowed whole.

No. 9 Cavity-Free Snacks|Rical Chocolate from the Dentist

This is a sugar-free chocolate that does not cause tooth decay. It is 100% xylitol, which promotes tooth remineralization and saliva secretion to protect teeth from cavities.

No. 10 Cavity-Resistant Snack|Candy Sticks Made by Dentists

created by Rinker.
¥648 (2024/10/17 14:19:02時点 楽天市場調べ-Details)

Although not 100% xylitol, these candies are made with a sugar that does not cause tooth decay.

Important things to do to prevent cavities other than choosing snacks

Cavity-resistant snacks ranking

To prevent cavities, besides choosing snacks that are less likely to cause cavities,

  • Brushing teeth after meals
  • How to take snacks

It is also important to review two habits of

Brush teeth thoroughly after meals.

To prevent tooth decay,It is important to brush your teeth thoroughly after meals.

Tooth stains are a mass of bacteria that can cause oral problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. Because tooth stains are sticky, they cannot be removed without scrubbing with a toothbrush.

After eating a snack or meal, make sure to brush your teeth properly to remove stains and debris that can cause tooth decay.

Snacks are timed to ensure a balanced diet.

To prevent tooth decay,It is also important to have a regular time to eat snacks as well as brush one's teeth after meals, and to have a well rounded diet.

Each time sugar enters the mouth, the cavity produces an acid that dissolves the teeth.

If you are in the habit of eating snacks whenever you want and as much as you want to linger,Since the teeth are exposed to acid longer than those who eat fewer snacks, the risk of tooth decay is also higher.


Cavity-resistant snacks ranking

The key to choosing snacks that are less likely to cause cavities is,

  • Low in sugar and crunchy.
  • Finished in a short time and does not stick to teeth
  • Made of caries-resistant sugars
  • Contains cavity-preventive ingredients

These are some of the characteristics.

Some snacks are not merely cavity resistant,Look for snacks that can prevent cavities by promoting remineralization, etc!

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Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo

UyRZkXPjQvAn5BK9ai6vfhAEgYGCePrS3Id158EZKuev 2TIlSXaZPkxY9dJ 3vCTCm7hqIEw6AzmlpdiuMD8H 9aD01UftplKrgMtn7dmYeSupervisor: Dentist/Naomi

After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.