365 Demtist お役立ち情報
preventive dentistry
「予防歯科」(at sentence-end, falling tone) indicates a confident conclusionお役立ち情報一覧
"Tips on how to correctly gargle after brushing your teeth and how to get the most out of fluoride."
How to choose and properly use toothpaste sheets and sheet-type toothpaste
Alternatives to toothpaste. Effective alternatives to oral care.
How much does a dentist charge for a cleaning? Explanation of market rates and insurance coverage conditions.
Differences between those who are cured by outpatient halitosis and those who are not. Treatment details, costs, and effectiveness.
Why does hypersensitivity hurt all the time? A thorough explanation of causes and remedies
目次 知覚過敏とは何か知覚過敏の症状知覚過敏の特徴知覚過敏の主な原因好発部位知覚過敏でずっと痛いのは...
What is the brown crust that comes out of mouthwash?
目次 マウスウォッシュで出てくる茶色いカスの正体はなに?マウスウォッシュで茶色いカスが出る仕組み茶色...
Dental checkup terms explained in an easy-to-understand manner! Learn to understand the status of cavities and periodontal disease.
目次 歯科検診で使われる用語の意味歯科検診の用語の意味①|歯式に使われる数字とアルファベット永久歯の...
How to choose a toothpaste for children and 10 popular recommendations
目次 子ども用歯磨き粉の選び方歯が生え始めたら拭き取りタイプ歯ブラシに慣れたらジェルタイプうがいがで...
2024 Cavity-Resistant Snacks Ranked!
目次 「虫歯になりにくいおやつ」と「虫歯になりやすいおやつ」の特徴虫歯になりにくいおやつの4つの特徴...