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Can I remove tea stains from my teeth at home? I will also tell you the difference between it and tooth decay.
whitening (e.g. of teeth)

Can I remove tea stains from my teeth at home? I will also tell you the difference between it and tooth decay.


I drink a lot of tea, so I got tea stains on it...
Is there any way to remove it at home since going to the dentist is a hassle?


This time,I will tell you how to remove tea stains from your teeth at home!
However, it is important to note that what you thought was tea stains may turn out to be cavities.
The difference between tea stains and cavities will also be explained!

4 ways to remove tea stains from teeth at home

Teeth Tea stains

The following four methods are effective for removing tea stains from teeth at home.

  • Use a whitening sponge.
  • Use whitening toothpaste.
  • Use an electric toothbrush with a stain removal function.
  • Home whitening.

Use a whitening sponge.

The whitening sponge is,Whitening products that can be removed with a light rubbing of the area of concern for tea stainsIt is.

It is suitable for pinpoint removal of stains on the surface of teeth, such as tea stains.

Because of its abrasive action, there is a risk of damaging teeth if it is overdone, but if used properly, it is a convenient item that can easily remove tea stains.

The key to using this product is not to scrub too hard. Gently stroke the surface of your teeth to remove tea stains.

If light scrubbing does not remove it, it may damage the teethSo, let's try other methods.


365dentist recommends Muse'sPolylin Cube - Fast WhiteningIt is!

The sponge is soaked in sodium polyphosphate,

  • Floats and removes color stains
  • Coats teeth to prevent new stains

The two actions protect teeth from tea stains.

Quick whitening EX Polylin Cube EX (Sponge toothpaste) Extra mint scent, 3 pieces, sponge, toothpaste, toothbrush, oral care, teeth, yellowing, whitening, stains, stains

Use whitening toothpaste.

Whitening toothpaste is,Toothpaste containing abrasives, sodium polyphosphate, polyethylene glycol, and other stain-removing ingredientsIt is.

You can check the ingredients list on the package to see if it contains whitening ingredients.

Whitening toothpaste consists of safe whitening ingredients.

Therefore, while it is less effective than a dentist's whitening or cleaning, which can often be done in one session, it has the advantage that it can be done daily at home.

Use an electric toothbrush with a stain removal function.

If you want to take care of tea stains effectively at home,Use of an electric toothbrush with stain removal function is recommended.It is.

Electric toothbrushes are equipped with a variety of functions, some of which have specialized modes for stain removal functions.

Often described as "whitening mode," this function is recommended when stains such as tea stains are a concern.

An electric toothbrush with a stain removal function can remove tea stains more efficiently than a hand toothbrush.

Home whitening.

Home whitening is,Whitening at home using a mouthpiece made by a dentist and a whitening agent prescribed by the dentistIt is.

Because the whitening agent is prescribed by a dentist as a medication, it is more effective in removing tea stains than whitening sponges, whitening toothpaste, and electrical toothbrushes.

Whitening sponges, whitening toothpaste, and electrical toothbrushes can remove tea stains from the surface of the teeth, but they cannot remove strongly stuck tea stains or yellow stains that have stained the teeth.

In this regard, home whitening is effective in removing not only tea stains on the surface of the teeth, but also strongly stuck tea stains and yellow stains that have stained the teeth.

How to prevent tea stains on teeth

Teeth Tea stains

To prevent tea stains on teeth, the following methods are effective

  • Use whitening toothpaste for specialized stain prevention care.
  • Drink water before drinking tea
  • Gargle after drinking tea
  • Get regular checkups from your dentist.

Use whitening toothpaste for specialized stain prevention care.

People who are in the habit of drinking a lot of tea are prone to tea stains,Use a whitening toothpaste to reset stains daily.

Tea stains stick to the teeth over time and turn brown.

Therefore, brush your teeth as soon as possible after drinking tea to remove it before it sticks to your teeth as tea stains.

Whitening toothpaste makes it easier to remove stains due to the sodium polyphosphate and other ingredients in it.

Drink water before drinking tea

Drinking water before drinking tea can reduce tea stains.

When teeth are dry, tea staining substances are more likely to stick to the teeth.

Before drinking tea, try to give your teeth a film with water.

Gargle after drinking tea

He said he would gargle as soon as possible after drinking the tea,Tea coloring substances are washed away, thus reducing tea stains on the teeth.

Simply gargling with water is fine, but gargling with a mouthwash containing sodium polyphosphate or sulfosuccinic acid is even more effective.

Get regular checkups from your dentist.

Tea drinkers may be concerned about the adhesion of tea stains, no matter how carefully they take care of their tea.

Therefore, to prevent the adhesion of tea stains,It is recommended to visit the dentist regularly to have a special machine remove tea stains that cannot be removed by self-care.It is.

Regular checkups at the dentist can help detect cavities and gum disease at an early stage.

Difference between tea stains on teeth and tooth decay

Teeth Tea stains

Tea stains and cavities on teeth can look the same because they are both brown in color.

The key to distinguishing the difference between tea stains and cavities in teeth is as follows

  • Do you have a hole in your tooth?
  • How many brown teeth

However,Dentist consultation is necessary to obtain accurate diagnostic results.It is.

The information provided is only a guide, so if your teeth are brown, go to a dentist.

Do you have a hole in your tooth?

The first key to distinguishing tea stains from cavities is whether there are holes in the teeth.

If there is a hole in the tooth, there is a high probability of decay.I am sure it will be.

However, it is important to note that early cavities and chronic cavities may not have holes or may be difficult to identify as holes at first glance.

To determine if it is actually a cavity,Diagnosis by dental examination and x-rays is required.It is.

How many brown teeth

The second key to distinguishing a brown tooth from a cavity is how many brown teeth are present.

Staining from tea stains often occurs on all teeth,Multiple teeth tend to brown in the same way.

In contrast, a cavity is a single tooth that turns brown, for example,Often occurs only in a limited number of teethIt is.

If only one brown tooth is present, it is most likely a cavity.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

  • Tea stains on only some teeth due to the influence of habitual tea drinking and self-care habits.
  • Two or more teeth decay at the same time.
  • Acid from food dissolves teeth like cavities, causing multiple teeth to turn brown (acid erosion), etc.

In these cases, the number of brown teeth is not very helpful.It is advisable to see a dentist properly.


Teeth Tea stains

The following four methods are effective for removing tea stains from teeth at home.

  • Use a whitening sponge.
  • Use whitening toothpaste.
  • Use an electric toothbrush with a stain removal function.
  • Home whitening.

What is the difference between tea stains and cavities in teeth,

  • Do you have a hole in your tooth?
  • How many brown teeth

Although it is possible to tell the difference by checking theIt is dangerous for people without professional qualifications to make easy decisions.It is.

If you are concerned about tea stains, see your dentist.

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  • Consultation via dentist-run open chat
  • Helping you find the right dentist for you
  • Useful columns about the mouth

to support your oral health and beauty!

If you have trouble with tea stains, please feel free to contact us first for a dentist-operated open chat!

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365dentist General Supervisor Dentist/Yukiko Katsuya 

Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo

Supervisor: Dentist/Naomi

After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.