What causes the lower teeth to be misaligned?

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During the orthodontic treatment, doctor, I feel that my lower teeth are getting worse.
Why is that?


There are many causes of misalignment of the lower teeth.
This time,We will discuss the causes of misaligned lower teeth, how to prevent it, and what you should do if your lower teeth become misaligned!

What causes the lower teeth to be misaligned?

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The cause of the lower teeth alignment,Insufficient space for lower teeth to grow due to the small size of the jaw in relation to the size and number of teethIt is.

There are various factors that can cause a lack of space for the lower teeth, which can be divided into congenital and acquired factors.

Congenital factors refer to factors that one is born with, while acquired factors refer to factors that occur during the growth process.

This section describes each of the congenital and acquired factors that cause a lack of space for the lower teeth.

Two congenital factors that cause misalignment of the lower teeth

The bottom teeth are getting worse.

Congenital factors that can lead to misalignment of the lower teeth include the following

  • heredity
  • Born with a large number of teeth (excessive teeth)

Congenital causes of misaligned lower teeth (1): Heredity

Tooth and jaw size is influenced by heredity.

People who have teeth that are genetically larger than their jaw size will have misaligned teeth because the lower teeth do not fit into the jaw.

Congenital cause of misalignment of lower teeth (2): Too many teeth at birth (excessive teeth)

If you are born with a larger than normal number of teeth,Even if there is no problem with the size of the jaw, there may be insufficient space for the lower teeth to grow in, resulting in misaligned teeth.

The term "excessive teeth" refers to the number of teeth you are born with. There are usually 14 lower teeth, excluding wisdom teeth, and more than this number of teeth is excess teeth.

5 Acquired Factors that Cause Misalignment of the Lower Teeth

The bottom teeth are getting worse.

Acquired factors that can lead to misalignment of the lower teeth include the following

  • Habits around the mouth
  • Tooth loss due to decay or trauma
  • periodontal disease
  • wisdom tooth
  • occlusion (of teeth)

Acquired factors that cause misalignment of lower teeth (1): Habits around the mouth

Habits around the mouth can affect the alignment of the teeth.

He said he has habits like pushing his teeth with his tongue, biting or sucking his lips or fingers,Improper force is applied to the teeth, which can lead to misalignment of the lower teeth.

Acquired causes of misalignment of lower teeth (2): Tooth loss due to decay or trauma.

Tooth loss due to decay, trauma, or other problems may result in misalignment of teeth.

In many cases, children lose their baby teeth earlier than planned due to decay or trauma, which leads to failure of the permanent teeth to erupt properly.

In some cases, adults may have teeth that have been left unaligned due to tooth loss caused by decay or trauma.

Regardless of whether you are an adult or a child, when a tooth is lost, adjacent teeth often fall into the vacant space, resulting in a worse alignment of the lower teeth.

Acquired factors that cause misalignment of lower teeth (3): Periodontal disease

As periodontal disease worsens and the bone supporting the teeth decreases, the bite may be disturbed and the lower teeth may become misaligned.

Periodontal disease often progresses without symptoms.

Therefore, there are cases in which people become aware of periodontal disease when they feel that their lower teeth may have suddenly begun to rattle recently. This is why, in some cases, people become aware of periodontal disease when they feel that their lower teeth have suddenly begun to rattle recently.

Acquired factors that cause misalignment of lower teeth (4): wisdom teeth

The lower teeth are,Wisdom teeth can also make it worse.

Wisdom teeth grow at an angle, or the roots of the teeth grow while buried horizontally in the gums,To push the dentition forwardIt is.

This symptom is seen from the late teens onward when wisdom teeth begin to grow in. In some cases, wisdom teeth can cause the teeth to become misaligned after they have been straightened with braces.

Acquired factors that cause misalignment of lower teeth (5): bite

The bite has a lot to do with the alignment of the teeth.

If left unchecked with a bad bite due to bucktooth, a passive mouth, or an open bite,Over time, the teeth may become misaligned.

Preventive measures to avoid sudden deterioration of the lower teeth

The bottom teeth are getting worse.

Avoid sudden deterioration of the lower teeth before they become misaligned,

  • heredity
  • Born with a large number of teeth (excessive teeth)
  • Habits around the mouth
  • Tooth loss due to decay or trauma
  • periodontal disease
  • wisdom tooth
  • occlusion (of teeth)

These causes of misaligned teeth need to be removed.

However, it is difficult to prevent completely on one's own,It is important to have regular checkups with your dentist to understand the condition of your mouth so that you can take immediate action if a problem arisesIt is.

Be sure to take care of your teeth in the right way on a regular basis to avoid cavities and gum disease.

If overgrowth or wisdom teeth affect the alignment of the teeth, one method is to remove them before they become misaligned.

Those who are more likely to have misaligned teeth due to heredity, habits around the mouth, and biting,It is recommended to consider braces before it gets worse.It is.

What to do if your lower teeth become misaligned

The bottom teeth are getting worse.

If the lower teeth are not aligned,Orthodontic treatment is needed to move the teeth to restore the disordered alignment.

It is not simply that the lower teeth are misaligned due to heredity, habits around the mouth, or biting,

  • overproduction
  • wisdom tooth
  • cavity
  • Periodontal disease, etc.

If you are experiencing these problems,Excess wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth extraction, tooth decay, and periodontal disease should also be treated.

It is not possible to heal misaligned teeth on one's own, and leaving a condition that requires extraction or treatment will not improve the alignment of the lower teeth, which have deteriorated.

First, visit your dentist for a checkup and discuss what you need to do to improve your deteriorating lower teeth alignment.


The bottom teeth are getting worse.

The cause of the lower teeth alignment,

  • heredity
  • Born with a large number of teeth (excessive teeth)
  • Habits around the mouth
  • Tooth loss due to decay or trauma
  • periodontal disease
  • wisdom tooth
  • occlusion (of teeth)

Insufficient space for teeth to grow due to these congenital and acquired factorsIt is.

If your teeth, not just the lower teeth, have suddenly deteriorated, it is highly likely that some problem you are having has come to light in the form of "tooth alignment deterioration".

Visit your dentist for a checkup at the stage when you feel that your lower teeth have become misaligned.

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Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo

UyRZkXPjQvAn5BK9ai6vfhAEgYGCePrS3Id158EZKuev 2TIlSXaZPkxY9dJ 3vCTCm7hqIEw6AzmlpdiuMD8H 9aD01UftplKrgMtn7dmYeSupervisor: Dentist/Naomi

After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.

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