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What should I do about misaligned baby teeth? What to do before permanent teeth
Pediatric Dentistry

What should I do about misaligned baby teeth? What to do before permanent teeth


Doctor, I am concerned about my child's teeth.
Is there anything I should do before my permanent teeth come in?


This time,We will discuss what to do about misaligned baby teeth, the mechanism of tooth eruption, and what to do before the teeth become permanent!

Mechanism of change from deciduous teeth to permanent teeth

Deciduous teeth

Baby teeth are,Mechanism in which the roots of deciduous teeth dissolve and are replaced by permanent teeth as they are pushed up by permanent teeth formed in the gumsThe company is now in the process of

Basically, there is one permanent tooth under each baby tooth, and as the permanent tooth grows, the shortened rooted baby tooth falls out and the permanent tooth emerges from the gum.

Furthermore, with the growth of baby teeth, the jaw grows,Two or three permanent teeth also erupt behind the row of deciduous teeth.

Six-year-old molars (first molars), 12-year-old molars (second molars), and wisdom teeth (third molars) are new permanent teeth that grow in the absence of baby teeth.

Wisdom teeth are not always present, as some people have them, some do not, some grow in, and some do, but they do not.

The approximate ages at which baby teeth change into permanent teeth are as follows

upper jawlower jaw
central incisor7-8 years old6-7 years old
lateral incisor8-9 years old7-8 years old
cuspid11-12 years old9-10 years old
first premolar (tooth)10-11 years old10~12 years old
second premolar10-12 years old11~12 years old
first molar
(6 year old molars)
6-7 years old6-7 years old
second molar
(12 year old molars)
12-13 years old11-13 years old
third molar
(Wisdom teeth)
Late teens~.
*Sometimes they do not grow.
Late teens~.
*Sometimes they do not grow.

What are the effects of misaligned baby teeth?

Deciduous teeth

Misaligned baby teeth can have the following effects

  • Increased risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease
  • Permanent teeth and bite can become misaligned
  • Feeding function may be affected.
  • May affect pronunciation function

Increased risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease

If the baby teeth are not aligned properly, it is difficult to brush the teeth and dirt can easily accumulate,Increased risk of tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Dental decay in baby teeth can, if aggravated, lead to the failure of permanent teeth to form, which are produced in the gums.

Also, if baby teeth are decayed, the number of decayed teeth will increase in the mouth. This increases the risk of cavities in the permanent teeth that come in later.

Permanent teeth and bite can become misaligned

If the baby teeth are not aligned,Even the alignment and bite of the permanent teeth may be compromised.

The reason is that jaws so small that baby teeth cannot line up make room for permanent teeth that are larger than the baby teeth.

Usually, when the baby teeth come in around age 3, the jaw begins to develop and grow larger, preparing for the replacement of permanent teeth that are larger than the baby teeth.

At this time, only the jaws are larger, so a gap called the developmental void (primordial void) is created between the teeth of the baby teeth.

The teeth will temporarily be in a gap until they are replaced by permanent teeth, but the developmental void will allow for the eruption of larger permanent teeth.

However, for some reason, some people's jaws do not grow properly, and some people's teeth are already misaligned at the baby tooth stage when it is time for the permanent teeth to erupt.

In this case,Permanent teeth that are larger than baby teeth almost never line up neatly.

If the baby teeth are misaligned, the permanent teeth and bite are likely to be compromised, so it is advisable to take measures such as getting pediatric orthodontics as early as possible.

Chewing function may be affected.

Teeth affect the masticatory function of chewing food and pronunciation.

If the baby teeth are not aligned properly and cannot chew food well,It can cause unbalanced eating and nutritional deficiencies.

Chewing with proper teeth is also important to promote jaw development. Failure to chew properly can lead to inadequate jaw development, which may lead to misaligned teeth and a poor bite in the future.

May affect pronunciation function

When pronounced, sounds are made with the teeth, tongue, and lips.

Therefore, if the baby teeth are not aligned properly, air leaks out when speaking,Pronunciation may sound ambiguous.

Measures and habits that prevent teeth from becoming misaligned in baby teeth

Deciduous teeth

To avoid worsening the alignment of baby teeth,Avoid habitual habits that worsen the alignment of your teeth by

  • Try to stop finger sucking by about age 3
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach.
  • Avoid cheekbones.
  • Avoid swallowing food whole
  • Be aware of nasal breathing
  • Maintain proper posture.
  • Receive pediatric orthodontics

Try to stop finger sucking by about age 3

Finger sucking should be stopped by about age 3.

Finger sucking during babyhood is not particularly problematic, though,If finger sucking continues after the age of about 3 years, it may have a negative effect on the alignment of teeth and jaw development.

Strong sucking on the fingers can cause odd forces on the teeth and jaws, which can cause the upper and lower teeth to not bite together when chewing, or the dentition to form a V-shape, resulting in bucktooth or a protruding or passive mouth.

Especially during the growth period, the position of the jaws and teeth are easily changed by external forces such as finger sucking.

Be aware that finger sucking can lead to poor jaw and tooth position, which can affect the alignment of teeth and face shape as an adult.

Avoid sleeping on your stomach.

He said he has a habit of sleeping on his stomach,The weight of the head can cause unbalanced forces on the jaw, resulting in misaligned teeth.

Try to sleep on your back, as this can cause the jaw to bend and have a negative effect on the TMJ.

Avoid cheekbones.

Also a habit of cheekbones,It is the same as sleeping on the prone position, which can cause unbalanced forces on the jaw and result in misaligned teeth.

Be careful not to get cheekbones, as this can affect your future facial appearance.

Avoid swallowing food whole

The child's jaw develops under the stimulus of chewing.

Swallowing food whole may affect jaw developmentSo, be conscious of chewing your food well.

In addition, the habit of chewing on only one side of the mouth leads to an imbalance in the development of the left and right jaws, so be sure to eat with the teeth on both sides of the mouth in a full range of motion.

Be aware of nasal breathing

The alignment of the teeth is influenced by the balance of the forces of the lips and tongue pushing against each other.

If you are breathing through your mouth, the force of pushing the teeth out with your tongue is stronger,It can cause bucktooth or a protruding or passive mouth, which can lead to misaligned teeth and a bad bite.

If a child's mouth is constantly popping open, it is likely that he or she is breathing through the mouth.

Encourage them to close their lips and breathe through their nose.

Maintain proper posture.

If you are hunched over, you will breathe through your mouth and your teeth willdeterioratingIt is easy.

Mouth breathing can cause bucktooth or a protruding or passive mouth, so be sure to keep your back straight and maintain correct posture.

Receive pediatric orthodontics

Children with misaligned teeth can be cured with pediatric orthodontic treatment while they still have baby teeth.

We can use the growth period to support jaw growth and create a base for permanent dentition,If baby teeth are misaligned, pediatric orthodontics is recommended before permanent teeth erupt.It is.

How to treat children's teeth alignment

Deciduous teeth

The child's teeth are,Pediatric orthodontics is used to improve the situation.

In pediatric orthodontic treatment, the following orthodontic appliances are used according to age and symptoms.

  • pre-Ortho
  • Mooshield
  • T4K
  • lingual arch
  • lip bumper
  • Anterior maxillary traction device
  • cap with a "chin cap" on it
  • Invisalign First, etc.

Childhood orthodontics cannot be improved on its own because it must take into account the growth period and the change of growth.

Consult with a dentist who handles pediatric orthodontics to ensure that you receive the appropriate treatment.


Deciduous teeth

If the child's teeth are misaligned,The risk of tooth decay and gum disease is high, and even the alignment and bite of permanent teeth can be compromised.

It is a good idea to stop habits that worsen the alignment of the teeth while the baby teeth are still present and to get pediatric orthodontics if necessary.

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RELATED:Is it safe for permanent teeth to erupt when the baby teeth have not fallen out?

RELATED:Is finger sucking related to teeth alignment?

RELATED:Is misaligned teeth due to heredity?

365dentist General Supervisor Dentist/Yukiko 

Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo

Supervisor: Dentist/Naomi

After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.