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Why is my lower lip sticking out? A thorough explanation of causes and remedies
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Why is my lower lip sticking out? A thorough explanation of causes and remedies


I am concerned about the lower lip showing.
Why is this? Is there a cure?


This time,This section provides a thorough explanation of why the lower lip is protruding, the causes, and how to remedy the problem!

What causes the lower lip to stick out?

Your lower lip is sticking out.

There are five main causes of a protruding lower lip

  • receiving window
  • Lower jaw protruding forward.
  • Lower lip thickness and shape
  • Sagging orbicularis oris muscle

Except for the sagging orbicularis oris muscle,Often caused by multiple factors related to genetics, jaw development, mouth breathing, etc.It is.

A protruding lower lip is a condition in which the lower lip appears more forward than the upper lip.

If the lips are more forward than the E line when viewed from the side, it is sometimes referred to as a "mouth gobble".

Causes of protruding lower lip (1)

People with a passive mouth may have a forward lower lip.This type of person has a protruding lower lip due to the alignment of the teeth and bite.

A passive mouth is a condition in which the lower front teeth are more forward than the upper front teeth when chewing. In dentistry, this bite is called "mandibular prognathism" or "counterbite.

The bite is upside down from the normal state, which can cause problems with appearance and dental function.

Causes of protruding lower lip (2)

If the bite is not passive,The lower lip may be protruding due to the forward protruding shape of the lower jaw.

It is a contour problem, sometimes described as a "squat chin" rather than a passive mouth.

There is no functional disadvantage because there is no bite problem, but depending on the overhang of the mandible, the appearance may be complex.

Causes of protruding lower lip (3)|Thickness and shape of the lower lip

If there is no problem with the bite or the shape of the mandible,This may be due to a thick or forward protruding lower lip.

There are many causes, including genetic factors and dryness caused by mouth breathing, which leads to inflammation and swelling of the lower lip.

Causes of protruding lower lip (4)

When the orbicularis oris muscle sags due to aging or muscle wasting,The lower lip may also sag and protrude forward.

The orbicularis oris muscle is a muscle that also runs around the mouth.

If the lower lip has appeared with age, sagging of the orbicularis oris muscle may be connected to the appearance of the lower lip.

Disadvantages of a protruding lower lip.

Your lower lip is sticking out.

A protruding lower lip can cause the following disadvantages

  • I'm concerned about the way it looks.
  • If you have a passive mouth, it can affect your health.

I'm concerned about the way it looks.

The profile does not look beautiful, the mouth looks sloppy, etc,The appearance of a protruding lower lip may be a concern.

Because people have their own tastes in appearance,

  • I like a mouth with volume in the lower lip.
  • The lower jaw looks more attractive slightly forward.

It is not necessarily that having a protruding lower lip is not beautiful, such as

As for appearance, remember well that it depends largely on personal preferences.


In fact, there are many attractive entertainers of the passive mouth type!

If you have a passive mouth, it can affect your health.

If the cause of the protruding lower lip is a receiving mouth, it is due to a problem with the bite,The following problems with oral and physical health may occur

  • Stress on the jaw joints can cause pain.
  • Pronunciation may be unclear, such as difficulty pronouncing the "sa" and "ta" lines
  • Tension in the muscles around the mouth can cause headaches and stiff shoulders
  • Breathing through the mouth increases the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath
  • Mouth breathing reduces the body's immune system
  • Inability to chew well, which puts a strain on the body's digestive function.
  • Inability to chew well, which can lead to cognitive decline in the brain

The passive mouth tends to focus on appearance.

However, there are many possible effects on oral and physical health due to a poor bite, and this risk may be more important than appearance.

How to improve a protruding lower lip

Your lower lip is sticking out.

The following are ways to improve a protruding lower lip. Choose according to the cause.

  • orthodontic treatment
  • cosmetic surgery
  • Lip Training

orthodontic treatment

Orthodontic treatment is,Recommended for people with a protruding lower lip due to teeth alignment or knitting alignment like a passive mouth.It is.

Orthodontic treatment to correct the passive mouth will allow the lips to close and may also improve the protruding lower lip.

Depending on the degree of passive mouth, the following three methods of treatment are used.

  • Align the tilt of the teeth
  • Extract a tooth and retract the mandible.
  • Surgical orthodontic treatment to reshape and retract the jaw

If the effects of a passive mouth have affected the shape and contour of the jaw, surgical orthodontic treatment is likely to significantly change the facial appearance.

Orthodontic treatment includes mouthpiece and wire orthodontics.

cosmetic surgery

If the lower lip is protruding due to the following,It may be possible to improve it with cosmetic surgery.

  • Lower jaw protrudes forward even though it is not a passive mouth
  • Lower lip thickness and shape
  • Sagging orbicularis oris muscle

In cosmetic surgery, consider the cause of the protruding lower lip and the combination of the lower lip with other facial parts,

  • Osteotomy to reshape the mandible
  • Surgery to change the shape of the lips
  • Botox injection
  • hyaluronic acid injection
  • thread lifting
  • half-open (e.g. door, window)

and other procedures to improve the protruding lower lip.

Lip Training

If the lower lip is protruding due to weakness of the orbicularis oris muscle,Improvement is achieved by training the lips to eliminate sagging and tighten the lower lip.

Many training exercises can be done on one's own, such as tongue-rotation training and Iaibe exercises.

tongue-twister training

This training exercises the muscles around the mouth by rotating the tongue widely in the mouth.

  1. With your mouth closed, trace around the front side of the teeth with your tongue.
  2. It is effective if done three times a day, with one set of 20 right-handed rotations and one set of 20 left-handed rotations.

Aiyobe Gymnastics

This training exercises the muscles around the mouth by moving the mouth widely to pronounce the words.

  1. Pronounce the words "a, y, u" with large mouth movements.
  2. Push your tongue forward as far as you can and pronounce "bae".
  3. Do the exercises three times a day, morning, noon, and night, 10 times each, saying "A, I, U, Be.


Your lower lip is sticking out.

The lower lip is showing,

  • receiving window
  • Lower jaw protruding forward.
  • Lower lip thickness and shape
  • Sagging orbicularis oris muscle

These are often the causes.

If the lower lip is protruding due to a passive mouth, orthodontic treatment may improve it.So, consult your dentist.

In 365dentist,

  • Consultation via dentist-run open chat
  • Helping you find the right dentist for you
  • Useful columns about the mouth

to support your oral health and beauty!

If you are concerned about a protruding lower lip, please feel free to contact us first for a dentist-operated open chat!

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365dentist General Supervisor Dentist/Yukiko

Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo

Supervisor: Dentist/Naomi

After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.