What is an Invisalign Provider/Clinical Speaker? A thorough explanation of the difference between an InvisaDoctor and an Invisalign provider!

Invisalign Provider remedy

Last updated May 20, 2024

Invisalign, a fully digital mouthpiece orthodontic system.

Invisalign has

Invisalign Provider."

Clinical Speaker."

InvisaDoctor (certified Invisalign physician)

Did you know that there are many titles, such as

No special qualifications other than a dental license are required to perform Invisalign.

Anyone with a dental license can perform Invisalign treatment. (Training is provided at the time of introduction.)

Invisalign can be used by any dentist.

Because anyone can do it, when you get treatmentI want to choose a dentist who is "knowledgeable" and "experienced."Things.

The indicators are the Invisalign Provider, Clinical Speaker, and InvisaDoctor mentioned above.

In this issue of Invisalign, a certification program for Invisalign

Invisalign Provider."

Clinical Speaker."

InvisaDoctor (certified Invisalign physician)

We would like to introduce you to the following

RELATED:Flow of Invisalign

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What is an Invisalign Provider?

◎System of certification based on the number of cases per year

Invisalign Provider is a certification system established by Align Technology, Inc. of the United States, the headquarters of Invisalign.

The system is based on the number of Invisalign orthodontic cases (= number of mouthpieces ordered) performed in a year, and each rank has a different name.

The lowest rank is "Bronze",The highest grade is "Red Diamond.As in,

It is characterized by the names of metals and gemstones.

Invisalign Provider invisalign

◎Conditions for certification of each rank

Here are the certification requirements for each rank of Invisalign provider.

Please check with us to see what conditions must be met to be ranked.

Bronze Provider

The number of Invisalign orthodontic cases performed in a year is1 or moredentists are recognized as Bronze Providers.

This is the lowest rank among providers.

It can be said that the dentist is at the starting line of Invisalign orthodontics, having met the minimum requirements (e.g., taking an online course).

Silver Provider

The number of cases per year.11 or moredentists are certified as Silver Providers.

It is higher than the lowest Bronze provider, but lower in overall rank.

Bronze and Silver providers tend to have more dentists in this rank who provide not only Invisalign, but also other dental services such as cavity and cosmetic dentistry.

Gold Provider

The number of cases per year.More than 21Dentists are certified as Gold Providers. Like Silver, it is still near the lower end of the overall ranks, but it recognizes dentists who are competent to perform Invisalign orthodontics.

Platinum Provider

The number of cases per year.51 or moredentists are certified as Platinum Providers.

Although in the middle of the pack in terms of rank, a Platinum patient has enough experience to call himself or herself an Invisalign treatment professional.

This is where we rank as "knowledgeable and experienced in Invisalign orthodontics".

Platinum Elite Provider

The number of cases per year.101 or moredentists are certified as Platinum Elite Providers.

Many of our dentists have a deep knowledge of Invisalign and have studied the technology.

Diamond Providers

The number of cases per year.More than 151dentists are certified as Diamond Providers.

Few dentists are certified above Diamond, which makes them considerably more advanced and experienced in Invisalign orthodontics.

They will be able to analyze and determine if they can treat even the most difficult cases.

Black Diamond Providers

The number of cases per year.More than 401dentists are certified as Black Diamond providers.

It is estimated to be about 1% of the total and ranks high among Invisalign providers.

It is proof that they have performed a considerable number of Invisalign orthodontic procedures, and in many cases, they have experienced rare cases (e.g., difficult or unusual cases).

Blue Diamond Providers

The number of cases per year.More than 751dentists are certified as Blue Diamond providers.

Until 2017, this was the highest ranked provider, but in 2018, two providers were instituted that surpassed it.

The number of 751 Invisalign orthodontic cases per year is not an easy number to achieve, even for a dentist specializing in Invisalign.

From a global perspective, he is "a knowledgeable, experienced, and reliable Invisalign orthodontist.

Red Diamond Providers

The number of cases per year.1,001 or moredentists will be certified as Red Diamond providers. This is the highest rank among the nine current Invisalign providers.

Only a few of them are certified as Red Diamond providers in Japan.

Ranks are given to dentists who have given individual cases, though,In reality, in many cases, provider certification is based on the total of treatments performed by other dentists in multiple dental offices.It seems to be.

What is a Clinical Speaker?

◎Certification program to be able to officially supervise Invisalign treatment

Invisalign Clinical Speaker is a certification program established by Align Technology, Inc. in the United States, the headquarters of Invisalign.

To all Invisalign orthodontists worldwide,Dentists who can teach Invisalign orthodontic techniques, conduct courses, and give lecturesand there are still only a dozen or so in Japan.

◎Conditions for Certification of Clinical Speakers

To become a Clinical Speaker, you must be nominated by Align Technology, Inc. in the United States, the headquarters of Invisalign.

Although the criteria for receiving a nomination are not disclosed, it appears that nominations are made based on a comprehensive evaluation of the number of Invisalign cases and experience and knowledge of Invisalign.

What is an Invisa Doctor (certified Invisalign doctor)?

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◎This system is based on the cumulative number of cases.

Invisa Doctor is a Japanese company thatHart-Miller CompanyThe certification system is established by the

Hart-Miller is a Japanese company,InvisaDoctor (Invisalign Certified Doctor) is a unique certification system established by Hart-Miller.Yes.

The Hart-Miller company approached dentists who perform Invisalign and asked them to report the number of cases they have performed, and then independently certified and advertised the ranks to clinics that wished to participate,

We have no relationship with Align Technology, Inc. in the U.S., the headquarters of Invisalign.

The system is ranked according to the cumulative number of Invisalign orthodontic cases performed to date (number reported by dentists), and each rank has a different name.

The difference between Invisalign providers and Invisalign providers is that Invisalign providers areNumber of cases per yearWhereas the rank is certified by the

Hart-Miller's InvisaDoctor isCumulative number of cases(The main difference is that they are ranked by (total number of cases to date).

In order to be certified for rank, a minimum of 50 cumulative cases of Invisalign orthodontic treatment is required.

There are three ranks in total,The lowest rank is "Super", the middle is "Gold", and the highest is "Platinum".

When "Invisalign-certified doctor" is mentioned on a dental clinic's website, it often refers to this InvisaDoctor, who is certified by Hart-Miller, as described above.

◎Conditions for certification of each rank

Below are the certification requirements for each rank of InvisaDoctor (Invisalign Certified by Hart-Miller).

Unlike Invisalign providers, a cumulative total of at least 50 Invisalign treatments are required to become an Invisalign Super Doctor, which is the lowest rank.

Invisa Super Doctor

Dentists with a cumulative total of 50 or more Invisalign orthodontic cases are certified as Invisa Super Doctors.

Invisagold Doctor

Dentists with a cumulative total of 100 or more Invisalign orthodontic cases are certified as Invisagold Doctors. Note that Invisalign providers have a rank with the same name (21 or more cases per year).

Invisa Platinum Doctor

Dentists with a cumulative total of 500 or more Invisalign orthodontic cases are certified as Invisalign Platinum Doctors. This is also a rank with the same name (51 or more cases per year) for Invisalign providers, so make no mistake.

■ Differences in certification systems among companies

◎Invisalign Provider (official Invisalign rank certification system)

Certification program by Align Technology, Inc. of the United States (headquarters: Invisalign, Inc.).

Rank is determined by the number of cases in "one year".

Black Diamond and above providers rank high and have top-tier treatment experience.

◎Clinical Speaker (official Invisalign supervisor certification system)

Certification program by Align Technology, Inc. of the United States (headquarters: Invisalign, Inc.).

The company is accredited by nomination of Align Technology, Inc.

Once certified, they will be able to officially teach, conduct courses, and give lectures on Invisalign treatment.

In Japan, there are only about a dozen or so.

◎Invisa Doctor (Japan's own rank certification system by Hart-Miller)

The company's own certification program by Hart-Miller (unaffiliated with Invisalign headquarters).

The rank is determined by the 'cumulative' number of cases, not the number of cases per year.

The names "Invisa Doctor" and "Invisalign Certified Doctor" are used.


We are pleased to introduce you to the official Invisalign provider program and the unique certification program by Hart-Miller, a Japanese public company.

Orthodontic treatment is a relatively expensive medical procedure. To avoid wasting money and to ensure successful treatment, the choice of a dental office should be made carefully.

If you are considering Invisalign braces, please take a look at this article before undergoing treatment.

Those who do not know which clinic to go to,365dentist can help you find a dentist.

If you are having trouble finding a dental office, please contact us.365dentist official linePlease contact us for more information.

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UyRZkXPjQvAn5BK9ai6vfhAEgYGCePrS3Id158EZKuev 2TIlSXaZPkxY9dJ 3vCTCm7hqIEw6AzmlpdiuMD8H 9aD01UftplKrgMtn7dmYeSupervisor: Dentist/Naomi

After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.

Engaged in Invisalign treatment

n10g4rn9 l03ypdEdkwpnkGLSbrpzM1zEliFJxqwjryrSAB25AeORlOrnS5iKK nUYXrnh9jZas1Ze40WJvxRSr4iXtJ365dentist General Supervisor Dentist/Yukiko 

Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo


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