Why are the spaces between my teeth brown? I will also tell you how to get whiter teeth!

Doctor, I have a brownish color between my teeth.

Brownish material between teeth may be stained stains or early cavities.
This time,We will discuss why the spaces between teeth are brown and how to make them white!
What are those brown stains between my teeth?

Brown stains between teeth are,
- tinted dirt
- cavity
There are two possibilities for
tinted dirt
When staining builds up and sticks to the teeth, the spaces between the teeth may turn brown.
Colored stains are caused by food, drink, and other pigments, as well as cigarette tar.
Just as dust tends to accumulate in the crevices of furniture, the spaces between teeth are difficult to reach with a toothbrush and are prone to staining.
People who regularly drink coffee, tea, red wine, or other dark-colored beverages, or who are habitual cigarette smokers, are especially prone to staining.
Tooth decay may cause the teeth to turn brown.
There are two types of caries: acute caries (caries that progresses quickly and tends to become deeper) and chronic caries (caries that progresses slowly and does not become deeper).
Acute dental caries is characterized by a white, cloudy condition that begins as a white cloud and changes to brown to black as it progresses, causing pain.
If the space between the teeth is brown and there is a stinging or throbbing pain, a cavity may be present.
Chronic caries, on the other hand, is a slowly progressing cavity. The affected area is dark brown or blackish brown in color.
Because they are less likely to cause pain and are less likely to be punctured, some people do not think they have a cavity even if they notice a brownish color between their teeth.
How to fix brown between teeth

If the teeth are brown, the necessary measures should be practiced according to the cause.
No matter what the cause,Basically, if left alone, the color will often darken.It is.
If it is staining, it only affects the appearance, but if it is decay, it can lead to tooth loss.
Since it is difficult to determine by oneself whether the cause is staining or tooth decay, it is recommended to visit a dentist as soon as possible.
The following is an explanation of the general healing process, divided into cases where the cause is stained or decayed teeth.
For colored stains
If the brown stuff between your teeth is stained stains, you can remedy the problem by
- Use whitening toothpaste.
- Use an electric toothbrush with whitening mode
- Get a cleaning at the dentist
- Get whitening at the dentist.
Use whitening toothpaste.
If it is a colored stain,Whitening toothpaste may improve the condition.
Some over-the-counter stain-care toothpastes contain ingredients such as sodium polyphosphate and macrogol 400 to remove stains.
Use a whitening toothpaste and brush carefully to the smallest detail, being careful to distribute the toothpaste between the teeth.
Use an electric toothbrush with whitening mode
Electric toothbrushes may have a variety of features that can be changed to suit the condition of the mouth.
The most effective toothbrushes for stained stains are electric toothbrushes with a "whitening mode".
The specifications are designed to efficiently remove colored stains,Properly used, it can also be effective against stains between teeth.
Get a cleaning at the dentist
If you want to quickly remove stains between teeth,I recommend getting a cleaning at a dentist.It is.
Dentists have machines that spray fine particles onto colored stains to remove them (airflow) and ultrasonic scalers to remove stains and stains that cannot be removed by regular tooth brushing.
It depends on the state of the coloring, but you can often see the effect after just one session,It removes stains between teeth faster than using commercial toothpaste or an electric toothbrush.
Get whitening at the dentist.
If you want to remove stubborn stains that have seeped into your teeth,It is recommended to get whitening from your dentist.It is.
Although stains on the surface of the teeth can be adequately removed by a dentist's cleaning,It cannot remove even stains that have seeped into the teeth.
With whitening, it is easy to obtain satisfactory results because it can remove stains that have seeped into the teeth as well as the surface of the teeth.
In addition, the entire tooth surface can be toned white to improve the cleanliness of the mouth.
For dentist whitening,
- Office whitening" performed entirely by the dentist
- Home whitening" performed at home under the direction of a dentist
- Dual whitening," in which office whitening and home whitening are used together
There are three methods to choose from, taking into account effectiveness, cost, and hassle.
If the brown stuff between your teeth is decayed, see your dentist for treatment.
If left untreated, cavities,It may progress, but it does not heal on its own.
In addition, dissolved teeth do not return to normal, and new teeth do not grow back if a tooth has to be pulled due to decay.
Prevention and early detection of tooth decay is important. If your teeth are brown, see your dentist as soon as possible.
How to prevent the spaces between teeth from turning brown

How to prevent the spaces between teeth from turning brown,It is important to prevent staining and tooth decay byIt is.
- Take good care between teeth.
- Use a toothpaste that prevents staining and cavities
- Drink water before eating or drinking
- Gargle after eating or drinking
- Get regular cleanings at the dentist.
Take good care between teeth.
Between the teeth, it is difficult for a toothbrush to reach, and plaque, which causes stains and cavities, tends to accumulate.
Use dental floss and interdental brushes,Make it a habit to clean your teeth and teeth stains properly as well.
Use a toothpaste that prevents staining and cavities
For prevention of staining and caries,Use of a whitening toothpaste with fluoride is recommended for toothpaste.
Whitening toothpastes contain ingredients such as sodium polyphosphate and macrogol 400, which are effective in preventing staining.
Fluoride is also effective in preventing cavities and is effective in caring for the spaces between teeth that are hard to reach with a toothbrush and prone to cavities.
Drink water before eating or drinking
Drinking water before eating or drinking dark-colored foods or beverages can reduce coloration.
When teeth are dry, food and drink pigments are more likely to settle on the teeth.
Imagine that you are going to put a film on your teeth with water before eating or drinking.
Gargle after eating or drinking
Gargling after eating or drinking washes away staining components from the teeth, thereby reducing staining.
Simply gargling with water is OK, but using a mouthwash can be even more effective in preventing staining.
Mouthwashes containing fluoride to prevent cavities and sodium polyphosphate and sulfosuccinic acid to prevent staining are recommended.
Get regular cleanings at the dentist.
No matter how carefully you brush your teeth with a toothbrush and floss, it is difficult to remove stains and plaque perfectly every day.
Therefore, to avoid browning between the teeth,Regular cleanings by a dentist are recommended.
Dentist cleanings use special machines to remove stains that cannot be removed by self-care.
This is a good way to detect cavities and gum disease early and to prevent yellowing of the entire tooth surface.

If the spaces between teeth are brown,
- Colored stains on it.
- Cavities.
There are two possibilities for
- For colored stains
- Use whitening toothpaste.
- Use an electric toothbrush with whitening mode
- Get a cleaning at the dentist
- Get whitening at the dentist.
- Cavities
- Treating cavities
Because these methods can be improved,First, see your dentist to check the cause of the brownish color between your teeth.
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If you are suffering from brown between your teeth, please feel free to contact us first for a dentist-operated open chat!
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365dentist General Supervisor Dentist/Yukiko Katsuya
Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo
Supervisor: Dentist/Naomi
After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.