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When should I start orthodontics for my child? Is there an appropriate age?

When should I start orthodontics for my child? Is there an appropriate age?


Doctor, I heard that it is better to start children's orthodontics as early as possible.
Is there an appropriate age?


I understand!
This time,When should I start orthodontics for my child? Let's talk about whether there is an appropriate age.

When should I start orthodontics for my child?

Children's orthodontic treatment from when

The timing of when children should begin orthodontic treatment varies from person to person,It is impossible to say at what age children should begin orthodontic treatment.

The reason for this is that the timing of when treatment should begin depends on the condition of the jaw, the bite, and the way the teeth grow.

Generally, orthodontic treatment for children begins at the age of 7 to 8 years old when the upper and lower front teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, but treatment may begin as early as 3 to 5 years old in cases of a passive mouth or a misaligned bite on either side.

The time to start treatment will depend on the condition,It is a good idea to discuss the alignment of teeth and bite while attending regular checkups at the dentist to prevent tooth decay in children.

Key points on when to consider orthodontic treatment for children

Children's orthodontic treatment from when

The timing of when to start orthodontic treatment for children varies greatly from person to person and is difficult to determine on one's own.

How to make sure you don't miss the right time to consider orthodontic care for your children,It is recommended that you visit a dentist who deals with children's orthodontics and consult with him or her at the following timesIt is.

  • When a bite was noted during a 3-year-old child's medical checkup.
  • When a school checkup shows a check mark in the "teeth alignment and bite" section
  • When you notice your child's teeth are misaligned
  • When there is a congenital absence or excess teeth

When a bite was noted during a 3-year-old child's medical checkup.

The 3-year-old examination includes a screening bite check.

If the bite is noted at this stage, it may be better to correct the child at an early stage and control the growth of the jaw.

Bite problems often worsen as the jaw grows.

It is recommended to see a dentist who handles children's orthodontic treatment once you have a child, because it is safer to have a family member who can consult with you while monitoring the progress, even if you do not need immediate treatment.

When a school checkup shows a check mark in the "teeth alignment and bite" section

The school examination includes a checkup of the alignment of the teeth and the bite.

This item in the school checkup.If you see a check mark like "needs observation" or "needs close examination," consult your dentist.

When you notice that your baby teeth are not aligned properly

If the baby teeth are misaligned, there is a high probability that there is no space for permanent teeth that are larger than the baby teeth to grow in.

Insufficient space in the jaw can result in misaligned teeth and a poor bite.Consult your dentist as soon as you notice it.

When there is a congenital absence or excess teeth

A congenital absence is a tooth that is not present at birth, while an excess tooth is a tooth that is present at birth and is more than normal.

A larger or smaller than normal number of permanent teeth may result in a poor bite and tooth alignment.

Therefore, if there is a congenital absence or excess teeth, the child should be monitored until the permanent teeth come in, and if necessary, the child should undergo orthodontic treatment.

Permanent congenital absence or excess teeth can be identified by radiographs.

  • Baby teeth do not fall out past the appropriate age.
  • Permanent teeth do not erupt after deciduous teeth are removed
  • Large gaps between permanent teeth
  • Health checkups have pointed out the number of teeth, etc.

If this is the case, it is recommended that you visit your dentist to check.

Types of children's orthodontics

Children's orthodontic treatment from when

Children's correction is,

  • Phase I Treatmentnote (supplementary information) symbol(Orthodontic treatment for children between the ages of 3 and 12 years old when baby teeth change to permanent teeth)
  • Second stage treatment (orthodontic treatment for children after the age of 12, when permanent teeth have erupted)

The two types of

The first stage of treatment is to prevent future deterioration of tooth alignment and to prepare the groundwork for the alignment of permanent teeth in the second stage of treatment.

The main goal is to control jaw growth while improving tongue and lip habits and mouth breathing, which are factors that worsen the alignment of the teeth.

The "second phase treatment," which is performed when the permanent teeth have come in, is basically the same as orthodontic treatment for adults.

The permanent teeth that were in the bone during the first phase of treatment are repositioned and the finishing touches are made to the correction.

*Phase 1 treatment is sometimes called "early treatment. Further subdivided, those performed around 3 to 5 years of age may be called "Phase 0 treatment" and those performed around 6 to 12 years of age may be called "Phase 1 treatment.

Cost of children's orthodontics

Children's orthodontic treatment from when

Estimated costs for children's orthodontics are as follows

  • First stage treatment → 50,000-500,000 yen
  • Second stage treatment → 300,000-500,000 yen

The reason for the variation in cost is that the cost varies depending on the type of orthodontic device used for treatment and the length of treatment.

In addition, children's orthodontics is self-funded, so the price varies from dentist to dentist.

Basically,The cost is set to cost about 1 million yen in total by the end of the second phase of treatment.It is a good idea to think about this.


Children's orthodontic treatment from when

The timing of when to start orthodontic treatment for children depends on the condition of the jaw, the bite, and the way the teeth grow.

When you become concerned about the alignment of your child's teeth, or when the alignment of your child's teeth or bite is pointed out at a 3-year-old child checkup or school checkup.and consult with a dentist who deals with children's orthodontics.

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Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo

UyRZkXPjQvAn5BK9ai6vfhAEgYGCePrS3Id158EZKuev 2TIlSXaZPkxY9dJ 3vCTCm7hqIEw6AzmlpdiuMD8H 9aD01UftplKrgMtn7dmYeSupervisor: Dentist/Naomi

After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.