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Can you put on teeth jewelry (tooth gems) by yourself? We will teach you the precautions and basic knowledge.

Can you put on teeth jewelry (tooth gems) by yourself? We will teach you the precautions and basic knowledge.


I would like to wear teeth jewelry. Can I wear it by myself?


Surely there are self-applied teeth jewelry kits available for sale by mail order!
This time,Can I self-apply teeth jewelry (tooth gems)? We will talk about precautions!

What is Teeth Jewelry?

Teeth Jewelry Self

What is teeth jewelry?Treatment to attach ornaments such as rhinestones, metals, and other nail parts to the teeth.It is.

Also known as "teeth gems" or "tooth piercings."

The sparkling stones are very beautiful to see when you smile.

Celebrities in the U.S. and Europe sometimes appear in public wearing tooth jewelry, and it is enjoyed as a part of fashion.

In Japan, the singer Chan-Minami seemed to wear it for a while, and it was talked about as cute!

It's also been talked about by Lisa and Rihanna, who wore it in black pink.

It has the following characteristics and can be attached relatively easily.

  • Basically, it can be put on without grinding the teeth.
  • Made of safe materials
  • Lifespan is about 6-12 months.
  • Dentist can perform the procedure for about 5,000 yen per tooth.

Basically, it can be put on without grinding the teeth.

If you want to put Teeth Jewelry on healthy teeth,Basically, they are attached with dental adhesives without grinding the teeth.

The image is almost the same as attaching wire orthodontic brackets to the teeth.

Therefore, if you have it put on by your dentist, the teeth jewelry will not cause pain or affect your dental health.

Made of safe materials

Teeth jewelry materials include the following

Diamonds and other natural stones
Gold, silver, etc.

The thickness of the teeth jewelry is,About 0.4 to 0.9 mmIt is.

Many of the teeth jewelry handled by dentists have been safety-confirmed by the Japan Food Analysis Center and approved by the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law,It is made of materials that will not harm the body if swallowed.

Lifespan is about 6-12 months.

The longevity of tee jewelry worn by dentists is,About 6-12 monthsIt is.

If the teeth jewelry comes off or becomes cloudy due to eating or brushing, it will have to be reattached anew.

Dentist can perform the procedure for about 5,000 yen per tooth.

Teeth jewelry is an out-of-pocket expense, so the cost varies from dentist to dentist.

The cost of teeth jewelry is as follows

Treatment cost: 5,000 yen per tooth
Jewelry fee: from 500 yen per piece
Removal cost -> about 1,000-5,000 yen per tooth

The cost of the procedure often does not include the cost of jewelry. Jewelry costs vary depending on the size and material.

Also,Teeth jewelry removal should be done by a dentist.

This is because special instruments are needed to remove them without damaging the teeth, and the adhesive left on the teeth must be removed and polished with a special machine.

Can I put it on myself? How to put on teeth jewelry

Teeth Jewelry Self

Teeth jewelry can be attached in two ways

  • Have it put on by a dentist who offers teeth jewelry.
  • Buy a tease jewelry kit by mail order and put it on yourself.

Have it put on by a dentist who offers teeth jewelry.

Have it put on by a dentist who offers teeth jewelry.Method.

Follow the steps below to attach the teeth jewelry.

  1. Selecting the design of the teeth jewelry and the position in which it is to be worn
  2. Cleaning removes stains from the surface of the teeth.
  3. Attach teeth jewelry to teeth with dental adhesive
  4. When the adhesive hardens, you are done.
  5. Refrain from eating and drinking for 30 minutes to 2 hours after the surgery, if necessary, according to the dentist's instructions

Adhesives used vary from dentist to dentist.

For the type of adhesive that hardens by exposing it to light,Curing time is about 5 minutesIt is.

Basically, they are fitted without grinding the teeth, but be aware that some types of teeth jewelry are fitted by grinding the teeth.

Teeth jewelry that is worn on healthy teeth is not,It is undesirable and carries a higher risk of decay than tooth jewelry, which is applied without grinding the teeth.


By the way,Pre-whitening.and the tease jewelry will look even better!

Buy a tease jewelry kit by mail order and put it on yourself.

You can also purchase a teeth jewelry kit by mail order and apply it yourself.

However, those available by mail order are often made overseas,Likely not approved under the Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs Law.It is.

Because of the significant disadvantages, it is advisable to refrain from self-teasing.

Disadvantages of self-teasing jewelry

When self-tieing teeth jewelry, everything is at your own risk, and the following disadvantages arise

  • I don't know what adhesives and teeth jewelry can do to your teeth and body.
  • May not be able to see a dentist when problems arise
  • The probability of getting it right away is high.
I don't know what adhesives and teeth jewelry can do to your teeth and body.

For self-application of teeth jewelry,We do not know what effects adhesives may have on the teeth and body if they are not approved by the Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs Law.

Dental adhesives have different adhesive strengths depending on the application.

In addition, the composition of the adhesive for each material is taken into consideration so that silver teeth and false teeth will not deteriorate the material.

When using adhesives that are not approved by the Japanese pharmaceutical industry in a self-made tee jewelry kit,Worst of all, it can damage the teeth and dissolve the teeth jewelry, which can have a negative impact on the body.

May not be able to see a dentist when problems arise

If you are unable to remove the teeth jewelry by yourself, or if you experience problems such as teeth staining,The dentist may refuse to see you.

This is because we do not know how the materials and adhesive components of self-tease jewelry will affect them, and they may decide that they cannot touch them because the treatment may worsen their symptoms.

The probability of getting it right away is high.

To properly apply Teeth Jewelry to the teeth, it is important to clean and dry the tooth surface.

If you want to put on tease jewelry by self,They often do not clean and dry the teeth well enough and may come off quickly after being put on.

Be careful whether self or dentist! Teeth Jewelry Cautions

Teeth Jewelry Self

When wearing teeth jewelry, whether self- or dentist-applied, the following should be noted

  • Increased risk of mouth ulcers.
  • Need to brush teeth carefully.
  • Abrasive toothpaste cannot be used.

Increased risk of mouth ulcers.

Teeth jewelry is for attaching hard foreign objects to the teeth,Lips may catch and cause mouth sores.

Need to brush teeth carefully.

Since dirt tends to accumulate around the teeth jewelry, careful brushing is necessary.

As dirt builds up.Increased risk of tooth decay from around the teeth jewelry.So, be careful.

Abrasive toothpaste cannot be used.

Using abrasive toothpaste will scratch the teeth jewelry and make it lose its shine.

Use a non-abrasive toothpaste.

Teeth jewelry should be applied by a dentist rather than self

Teeth Jewelry Self

Teeth jewelry is a fun way to decorate teeth with rhinestones, metal, and other ornaments.

You can buy a kit that can be self-attached by mail order, though,For safety and longevity, it is recommended that they be put on by a dentist.

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If you are interested, please come visit us!

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Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo

UyRZkXPjQvAn5BK9ai6vfhAEgYGCePrS3Id158EZKuev 2TIlSXaZPkxY9dJ 3vCTCm7hqIEw6AzmlpdiuMD8H 9aD01UftplKrgMtn7dmYeSupervisor: Dentist/Naomi

After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.