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Advantages and disadvantages of orthodontics in the 40s and 50s that you should know about.

Advantages and disadvantages of orthodontics in the 40s and 50s that you should know about.


I would like to get my teeth straightened out, but I'm not sure because of my age...
Is it safe to start orthodontics when I am in my 40s or 50s?


Of course!Percentage of people in their 40s and 50s undergoing orthodontic treatment has doubled (*1) in 10 yearsThe company is doing so.


I see..! I heard that braces make your gums go down or make your smile lines darker...
I also thought it would be embarrassing to wear orthodontic appliances at my age...


Certainly, people in their 40s and 50s have other things to consider when it comes to orthodontics, but then there are many benefits to aligning the teeth beyond appearance.

This time,Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of orthodontics in the 40s and 50s!

1 Association of Orthodontists 2019, "Questionnaire on Adult Orthodontic Treatment."
vol.26 The age of 100 years in life from the viewpoint of occlusion!
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Advantages of Correction in the 40s and 50s

Correction of 40s and 50s

There are three advantages to having your teeth straightened in your 40s and 50s

  • Improved appearance
  • Maintain and improve health by improving oral function
  • You can take your time to consider the treatment that is right for you.

Improved appearance

Well-oriented teeth that are visible when smiling can give a neat and clean impression, thus enhancing the appearance of the smile.

Teeth can become misaligned and less aesthetically pleasing in the 40s and 50s.

Some people who were not interested in orthodontics in their 20s and 30s may begin to feel the need for orthodontic treatment in their 40s and 50s because of the following factors

Factors that cause misalignment of teeth
  • age-related change
  • Weakening of the muscles around the mouth
  • gum recession
  • Change in bite height due to worn teeth
  • Impact of wisdom teeth
  • periodontal disease
  • Tooth Loss

Maintain and improve health by improving oral function

Because aligning the teeth improves the function of the mouth and teeth by improving the bite,Helps maintain and improve oral and general health.

The benefits of an improved bite include

  • Increased dental longevity
  • Improved pronunciation function
  • Contribution to physical health and longevity

Increased dental longevity

If the bite is poor and the pressure continues to be placed on some of the teeth, the teeth can be damaged by cracking or grinding. Therefore,Improving your bite will help your teeth last longer.

In addition, there is a correlation between the number of teeth remaining and the taste of food, as there is a research report (*2) that people with 20 or more teeth find food tastier,The longer the life of the teeth, the higher the quality of life.

2 8020 Promotion Foundation Designated Research Project Report 2007 "The Relationship between Food Satisfaction and Dental Health Behaviors and the Number of Current Teeth

Improved pronunciation function

Improving the alignment of the teeth willIt helps to improve pronunciation and smoothness of the tongue.

The alignment of the teeth is closely related to pronunciation. Since pronunciation is created by the shape and position of the teeth and tongue, aligning the teeth may improve the ability to pronounce a word well and to speak with a smooth tongue.

Contribution to physical health and longevity

He said that with orthodontics, the bite would be better aligned and he would be able to chew better,It has a positive effect on the mind and body.

  • Brain activation
    • The stimulation of teeth biting activates the brain.
  • obesity prevention
    • Chewing food thoroughly stimulates the satiety center and prevents overeating.
  • Improve gastrointestinal function
    • By chewing food and mixing it with saliva before swallowing, food can be delivered to the gastrointestinal tract in an easily digestible form, which reduces the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and prevents indigestion-related health problems.
  • stress reduction
  • As a brain mechanism, clenching and grinding have stress-relieving effects.
  • Possible improvement in headaches and stiff shoulders.

You can take your time to consider which treatment is right for you.

Corrections for teenagers and younger may be made to take advantage of the growth period to control the development of the jaw.

There is a limited amount of time available for orthodontic treatment during the growth period, and in some cases, there may not be much time to compare dental offices.

On the other hand, correction in the 40s and 50s begins at the end of the growth period,You can clarify your ideal for the alignment of your teeth and carefully consider the extent to which orthodontics can help you achieve that ideal and the extent to which you can take the risks associated with orthodontic treatment.

Disadvantages of orthodontics in the 40s and 50s

Correction of 40s and 50s

For correction to be done in the 40s and 50s,The following disadvantages should be taken into consideration when planning treatment

  • High risk of periodontal disease
  • Gums tend to fall (gingival recession)
  • Artificial teeth may need to be rebuilt.
  • Implants cannot be moved.
  • Teeth may move at a slower rate.
  • Increased likelihood of tooth extraction and osteotomy
  • Change in facial appearance

High risk of periodontal disease

There is about 70% incidence of periodontal disease after 40s,They are at higher risk for periodontal disease than younger people.(*4)

Periodontal disease is a disease in which the bone supporting the teeth dissolves and disappears, causing the gums to fall along with the bone, forming a black triangle between the root of the tooth and the gum, which can look unsightly and easily clog food.

In addition, periodontal disease should be corrected prior to orthodontic treatment, as orthodontic tooth movement in people with periodontal disease can cause the disease to worsen,Care must be taken to brush teeth properly during orthodontic treatment and to take adequate precautions to avoid periodontal disease.

4 Office of Dental and Oral Health Promotion, Dental Health Division, Medical Affairs Bureau, "Current Status of Periodontal Disease and Countermeasures".

Gums tend to fall (gingival recession)

Gum recession due to orthodontic treatment is one of the risks that can occur regardless of age.

Gingival recession can be caused by periodontal disease, but also because it is an age-related change,Gingival recession due to orthodontic treatment is more likely to occur in the 40s and 50s than in younger age groups.

Artificial teeth may have to be rebuilt.

For example, if the artificial tooth was made in a totally different direction from the tooth axis after orthodontic treatment such as ceramic braces,Need to be rebuilt before orthodontic treatment.In such cases, the patient is often given provisional teeth before orthodontic treatment. In such cases, the orthodontic treatment is often completed with temporary teeth and a final crown.

Teeth, for example, that were shaped according to the bad tooth alignment may be remade after orthodontic treatment to match the bite height and gum line.

Implants don't work.

Implants cannot be moved by orthodontics.

Artificial teeth like implants cannot be moved.

In this case, the treatment plan should take into account that the teeth will not move.

Teeth may move at a slower rate.

As age increases, bone density increases and bones become stiffer.

It also makes it difficult for the bone around the teeth to metabolize,The teeth may move at a slower rate.

Increased likelihood of tooth extraction and osteotomy

If you are in your 40s and 50s, your jaw growth is complete and you want to change the shape of your jawbone or retract your mouth to improve your profile,The likelihood of tooth extraction or osteotomy is increased.

Change in facial appearance

When braces are applied, the teeth that supported the skin around the mouth from the inside retract, and the muscles and skin around the mouth contract like a balloon that has run out of air,Lines and nose length may be a concern.

Failures and Regrets of Correction in the 40s and 50s

Correction of 40s and 50s

Apart from the disadvantages of correction in the 40s and 50s, the three most common failures and regrets heard are

  • It hurt.
  • I hated it when I couldn't eat some of the food.
  • Eating out was inconvenient.

Basically,This is the voice we hear from people of all ages who are orthodontic.It will take some getting used to, but try your best to imagine yourself with beautifully aligned teeth!

It hurt.


I had pain and irritation when my teeth moved and when I chewed.

Pain depends on your physical condition, the amount of tooth movement, and the orthodontic appliance used.The pain of moving teeth basically peaks for two to three days, so take painkillers to cope with the pain.

There were things I couldn't eat.


It was hard for me because I could not eat hard foods such as rice crackers or rice cakes.

Hard foods and rice cakes are not recommended as foods during orthodontic treatment because they tend to get entangled in orthodontic appliances.

Food is crushed or cut into small piecesIt takes a bit of finesse in food selection, such as

Eating out was inconvenient.


I had to be careful in choosing menus, and eating out was inconvenient because of the jaw guard rubber, mouthpiece removal, and after-meal tooth brushing that had to be done at each meal.

Depending on the type of orthodontic appliance, the timing of brushing teeth and wearing/removing the appliance should be considered when eating out.

There are convenient care items that can be used on the go, and we recommend that you take advantage of them.

Good thing I corrected it in my 40s and 50s.

Although people tend to focus on the disadvantages of orthodontics in their 40s and 50s, we also hear from many people who are glad they corrected the problem.

  • The food is delicious!
  • I have more confidence in my smile.
  • Easier to brush my teeth.
  • Increased level of knowledge and skills in tooth brushing.

I sometimes find it hard to correct the problem because of the pain and hassle,Overall, many feel that they are happy with the correction.

It's not too late to straighten up, even in your 40s and 50s!

Correction of 40s and 50s

Orthodontics in the 40s and 50s tends to be preceded by disadvantages such as lowering gums, getting older, and being prone to failure. Nor are these risks entirely absent.

However, there are many health and esthetic benefits to having a better dental alignment and bite than putting off dental treatment for fear of the disadvantages.

It is never too late, so if you are interested, please consider taking a positive approach.

365dentist helps people in their 40s and 50s choose a dentist they can trust with their orthodontic needs. On our official line, we only refer you to experienced doctors who have referred and cured many people in the past and have the right orthodontic specialty career in the eyes of dentists.

You can also feel free to discuss your concerns and questions in the dentist-run open chat, so come visit us!

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Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo

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After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.