Why does my adjacent tooth hurt after wisdom tooth extraction? A dentist explains in detail.
Wisdom teeth are the eighth teeth counting from the front.
Japanese people have small jaws, which causes them to grow horizontally or at an angle.
When this happens, wisdom teeth are more susceptible to decay and infection, so extraction is indicated.
There is a certain probability that wisdom teeth extraction will cause pain in the teeth adjacent to the wisdom teeth.
You are worried about why your adjacent teeth hurt after having your wisdom teeth removed.
But there is a reason for this.
This article will show you why and how to solve this problem.
Written by dentist/issy
After graduating from the School of Dentistry, he trained at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University Dental Hospital, and is currently working in general and orthodontic dentistry.
Member of the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology
Why do adjacent teeth hurt after wisdom tooth extraction?

In case of forceful pain in adjacent teeth
When extracting a tooth, not only the wisdom tooth, a screwdriver-like tool called a hebel is used.
The Hebel is placed between the tooth and the gum and gradually exerts force to dislocate the tooth.
This is because force is inevitably applied to the adjacent teeth when force is applied,Bruise-like condition of adjacent teethmay become a
Although even rarer, the tooth may crack.
During the extraction, you will not feel any pain because the anesthesia is working,
Pain may occur when the anesthesia wears off.
In case of pain due to infection
After wisdom tooth extraction, the extraction site becomes a wound,Swelling and pain due to infection.I will do so.
The body may feel that the adjacent tooth is painful, when in fact the extracted tooth is infected and causes pain.
This is called associated pain, because the nerve in the wisdom tooth is connected to the nerve in the adjacent tooth,
This is because the actual location of the source of the pain may differ from where the pain is felt.
Hypersensitive or inflamed nerves in adjacent teeth
If wisdom teeth are deeply buried laterally,Removal of wisdom teeth may expose the roots of adjacent teeth.
If the root is exposed, though, it is not a problem if it fills with blood and if some bone can be made to support the tooth,
If bone is not formed, the roots of adjacent teeth will not be firmly covered by the gum,
First.Symptoms similar to hypersensitivitywill appear.
If the condition is even worse.In the worst case, the nerve may become inflamed due to bacterial infection of the nerve from the root tipThere are
How long will the pain in the adjacent tooth last?

In case of forceful pain in adjacent teeth
commonIf it is a bruise, it may take several weeks at the most.In many cases, the pain can be removed by
However,Constant pain if crackedmay follow.
In case of pain due to infection
1 to 2 weeks for pain due to infectionIn most cases, the disease is cured in about 2 to 3 months.
In rare cases, however, the pain can be prolonged if it becomes severe.
Hypersensitive or inflamed nerves in adjacent teeth
If the adjacent tooth has a hypersensitive or inflamed nerve,
Getting the proper treatment at the dentist's office will take the pain away immediately.Often.
...Does the pain in the adjacent tooth heal after a while?

In case of forceful pain in adjacent teeth
If it is just a bruise-like condition, the periodontal ligament between the tooth and bone is inflamed,
Healing over timeThere are many things to do.
However, cracks will not heal.
In case of pain due to infection
If the pain is due to infection,Healing can occur in a few days if the patient receives proper treatment at the dentist's officeThe following is a list of the most common problems with the
Hypersensitive or inflamed nerves in adjacent teeth
If the adjacent tooth has a hypersensitive nerve, the dentist shouldPossibility of cure by treatment of hypersensitivityThere are
If symptoms do not change much after hypersensitivity treatment or if there is nerve irritation,
Nerve extraction procedureThe disease is cured in
Includes information on how to relieve and treat pain!

In case of forceful pain in adjacent teeth
The first way to relieve pain is toIt is important to get a good prescription for painkillers and take themIt is.
It is also important to avoid eating hard foods with bruised teeth,
Resting the tooth promotes healing.
If there is a crack, unfortunately, the tooth will basically be extracted.
In case of pain due to infection
If the pain is caused by infection, firstPainkillers and antibiotics are prescribed.Often.
If the degree of infection is severe, anesthetize and mechanically curettage the extracted area,
Remove the infected area.
A laser may also be applied to the infected area to enhance wound healing.
If the situation is urgent and the inflammation is likely to spread throughout the body, the patient may be hospitalized and placed on intravenous fluids.
Hypersensitive or inflamed nerves in adjacent teeth
If the adjacent tooth has a hypersensitive nerve,Irritation-blocking materials for hypersensitivityis used.
If the symptoms go away by applying it, it is not a problem,
If symptoms do not resolve, the worst-case scenario is to move on to a nerve removal procedure.
If the nerve is inflamed, it may be treated with painkillers or other drugs if it is reversible,
If it is irreversible, the procedure is to remove the nerve immediately.
The tooth next to the wisdom tooth is the one that hurts,
Wisdom teeth are extracted by applying force to the adjacent teeth.
Due to infection
Nerves of adjacent teeth are sensitive or inflamed
There are three main categories.
It often heals spontaneously or with medication,
In the worst case, a procedure to remove the nerve from the adjacent tooth may be necessary.
If wisdom teeth grow sideways or,
If present deep in the bone,
Because of the increased probability of pain in the teeth adjacent to the wisdom teeth, it is recommended that you consult with your dentist well in advance.