Is misaligned teeth due to heredity?
Is it true that teeth are inherited?
'My father has a passive mouth, will I have one in the future?'
For those who have these questions,This section explains whether bad teeth are caused by heredity.
Bad teeth are inherited.

Teeth alignment is inherited in the same way that height, body shape, and face are similar to the father and mother.
However, it is not only heredity that causes misaligned teeth, as the teeth themselves are not inherited,
It is good to consider that the size and shape of the teeth and jaws that cause bad teeth alignment are inherited and ultimately lead to bad teeth alignment.
There are two causes of misaligned teeth: congenital and acquired factors.
These factors disrupt the size of the upper and lower jaws and the balance between the jaws and teeth, resulting in misaligned teeth.
Congenital factors are factors that one is born with, such as inheritance of jaw structure and tooth size.
Conversely, acquired factors refer to factors unrelated to heredity, such as tongue movement and finger sucking.
It is said that 80% of misaligned teeth are caused by congenital factors due to heredity and the remaining 20% by acquired factors.
Since jaw and tooth size is often determined by genetics, the probability is not 100%, but if either the mother or father has bad teeth, there is a high probability that the child's teeth will also be badly aligned.
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Why genetics can cause misaligned teeth

The reason why teeth are misaligned due to heredity,This is because of the strong genetic forces that cause imbalances in tooth and jaw size.
In addition to heredity, tongue and other habits affect the alignment of teeth, but even if habits that may cause teeth misalignment are completely eliminated, the teeth will still be misaligned if the genetic forces that cause the teeth and jaws to be out of balance with their size are strong.
Three of the most common causes of misaligned teeth are related to heredity
- Tooth size
- Upper and lower jaw size
- Lips, tongue, and other mouth muscles
Tooth size is genetic, while jaw size and mouth muscles are influenced by daily habits in addition to genetic factors.
Tooth size
Tooth size is determined by heredity from both parents.If the teeth are larger than the size of the jaw, there is not enough space for the teeth to line up.
Since the size of teeth due to heredity cannot basically be changed, the size of the jaw and how the muscles of the mouth develop will determine whether the teeth will be better or worse aligned.
Upper and lower jaw size
When the size of the upper and lower jaws is out of balance, it can cause malocclusion such as bucktooth, passive mouth, and open bite.
Either the upper or lower jaw is small or large, or both upper and lower jaws are large and protrude forward, etc,Inherited imbalances in jaw size can lead to misaligned teeth.
Daily habits also affect the size of the upper and lower jaws.
Be aware that habits such as pushing the tongue forward, finger sucking after the age of three, and cheekbones can not only deform the shape of the jaw and interfere with its development, but can also accelerate genetic misalignment of the teeth.
Lips, tongue, and other mouth muscles
The muscles of the mouth, such as the lips and tongue, are affected by both heredity and habit.
If you have genetically weak lip muscles or a lip shape that makes it difficult to close your mouth, the force that holds the teeth down from the outside will not work, causing the teeth to spread outward more easily, which can lead to bucktooth.
The same is true for the tongue; if the tongue is genetically weak or the muscles behind the tongue are too large and the tongue is not positioned properly when the mouth is closed, it can cause a passive or open bite.
Also, if you have a habit of sticking your tongue out in front or slurping your mouth, that in itself can cause bad teeth alignment, though,It can further aggravate the alignment of teeth in people who have a genetic component of bucktooth or a passive mouth.
What to watch out for if your teeth are likely to be misaligned due to genetics.

If you have a family history of bucktooths or a passive mouth, your teeth may be misaligned due to heredity.
Because the alignment of teeth is also related to lifestyle habits during childhood,If there is a genetic possibility of misaligned teeth, the following points should be considered
- Stop finger sucking after the age of three.
- Cure the habit of pushing teeth forward or out with the tongue.
- Avoid cheekbones.
- straighten oneself
- Eat hard food too.
- Avoid cavities
Stop finger sucking after the age of three.
Finger-sucking exerts force on the front teeth, causing them to tilt outward, resulting in bucktooth or open bite.The jaw may also narrow and form a V shape, causing skeletal malocclusion.
Finger sucking in babies is not abnormal, as everyone has it, but it usually disappears by about age 3.
Therefore, if finger sucking continues past the age of three, it is considered a vice.
In the case of finger sucking during the day, it is best to encourage the child to stop by increasing hand play and physical activity outside, and in the case of finger sucking at bedtime, by reading a book or holding the child's hand before bed to reassure the child.
RELATED:Is finger sucking related to teeth alignment?
Cure the habit of pushing teeth forward or out with the tongue.
If you have a habit of pushing or thrusting your teeth forward with your tongue, you should consciously try to cure it.
The habit of pushing the upper front teeth with the tongue can cause bucktooth, the habit of pushing the lower front teeth can cause a passive mouth, and the habit of thrusting forward can cause an open mouth in addition to bucktooth and passive mouth.
Avoid cheekbones.
Because the cheekbones only exert force on one side of the jaw,The jaw may become crooked and the bite may become misaligned.Note that growing children have soft bones and are particularly susceptible.
straighten oneself
Bite is also related to the balance of bones throughout the body. If you have poor posture, try to maintain good posture.
For example, if you have poor posture and are hunched over, your chest will not open, which makes it difficult to breathe and your mouth will open.
When the mouth is open, the tongue and lower jaw tend to move forward,If this condition persists, the lower jaw will be established in a forward position, resulting in a "catchy mouth.
In addition, continued leaning posture may cause misalignment of the bite, resulting in a bent jaw.
Eat hard food too.
If a child eats only soft foods such as soft bread, hamburgers, and gratins,Failure to acquire normal biting function may result in poor jaw development.
When humans eat some hard food, they use a full range of chewing and grinding movements with the front and back teeth.
However, soft foods can be eaten without much use of the back teeth, and the jaws may not develop.
Children should also eat foods that have some bite to them, such as carrots and burdocks.
Avoid cavities
If you lose a tooth due to decay,The surrounding teeth fall into the vacant space, resulting in misalignment of the teeth.
This can occur after permanent teeth, but even in the baby tooth stage, attention should be paid.
Some may think that it is okay for baby teeth to decay because they will erupt, but if baby teeth are lost earlier than they should be due to decay, the new permanent teeth may not erupt in the correct position, resulting in misaligned teeth.
The loss of baby teeth due to tooth decay can also cause strange chewing habits, which can lead to jaw and facial distortions. Try to prevent cavities by refraining from sloppy and complete eating, and children should brush their teeth to finish.
See also: The Relationship Between Orthodontics and Tooth Decay
If you want to improve bad teeth due to heredity
Teeth alignment can be compromised by the size of the teeth and jaws due to heredity.
- Because the father's or mother's teeth are not aligned, the child's teeth might not be aligned either...
- My child's teeth seem big, but are they aligned?
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365dentist General Supervisor Dentist/Yukiko Katsuya
Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo
Supervisor: Dentist/Naomi
After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.