How much does it cost to correct my child's braces? What are the conditions for insurance coverage and medical expense deductible?

Doctor, I would like my child to get orthodontics.
How much does it cost?
I would also like to know how to keep costs low!

I understand!
This time,We will discuss the cost of orthodontics for children in full.
I will also explain how insurance coverage and medical expense deductibles can reduce costs!
- How much does orthodontics (pediatric orthodontics) cost for children?
- Is children's orthodontics (pediatric orthodontics) covered by insurance?
- Are children's orthodontics (pediatric orthodontics) deductible as medical expenses?
- How to reduce the cost of children's orthodontics (pediatric orthodontics)
- summary
How much does orthodontics (pediatric orthodontics) cost for children?

The cost of orthodontic treatment for children begins while they still have baby teeth,The total price is 600,000-1,000,000 yen or more by the time the permanent teeth are aligned and the bite is adjusted.It is.
The "total cost of over 600,000 to 1,000,000 yen" means that children's orthodontic treatment is
- Phase 1 treatment → orthodontics to support jaw development around age 3-12
- Phase 2 treatment → orthodontic treatment for permanent teeth and bite alignment after the age of 12
The system is divided into two phases,Phase I and Phase II treatments are often contracted separately and fees are paid when treatment is received.From.
Let's take a closer look at the cost of orthodontic care for children, divided into the following three categories.
- Before starting orthodontics
- undergoing orthodontics
- After orthodontics is done.
*Because children's orthodontic treatment is basically self-funded, the costs shown here are estimates. The cost differs depending on the dental clinic.
Cost of orthodontic treatment for children before they begin orthodontic treatment
For orthodontic treatment of children,The first step is a counseling fee and a fee for a full examination and diagnosis.It is.
The cost rates are as follows
- Counseling fee→around 0-5,000 yen
- Fee for detailed examination and diagnosis→around 0 to 5,000 yen
These fees are sometimes listed as "initial consultation fee" or "consultation fee.
These costs are often separate from orthodontic costs and are incurred regardless of whether or not the child has orthodontic treatment.
Costs incurred during orthodontic treatment of children
Signed an orthodontic contract for the child,Costs paid while undergoing treatmentIt is.
600,000-1,000,000 yen for first and second stage treatment combinedThe cost and respective quotes are as follows.
- First stage treatment → 50,000-500,000 yen or more
- Second stage treatment → 300,000-500,000 yen or more
The gap in cost is,Because the cost varies depending on the case and the orthodontic device used.It is.
The more severe the case or the more aesthetic and comfortable the orthodontic appliance is to wear, the higher the cost tends to be.
In particular, there are more types of orthodontic appliances used to correct children than to correct adults.
- Type of orthodontic device used
- Materials for wire orthodontic brackets
- Brands used for mouthpiece orthodontics
The cost may vary depending on these factors, so be sure to confirm the device to be used and the cost during the consultation.
In addition, during the treatment period, separate fees may be charged for each visit to the hospital under the name of "adjustment fee," "treatment fee," "hospital visit fee," etc.
Adjustment fees, treatment fees, and hospital visit fees range from 0 to 10,000 yen per visit.It is.
In some cases, it is charged every time you visit the clinic, in other cases you pay only once a month, etc. This also varies from dentist to dentist, so be sure to check this during the counseling session.
Costs after children's orthodontic treatment is completed.
After the child's orthodontic work is done,Fees for the creation of retention devices and follow-up may be charged.
The quotes are as follows
- Fee for making retention devices→around 0-60,000 yen
- Amount of follow-up → around 0-5,000 yen
Is children's orthodontics (pediatric orthodontics) covered by insurance?

Children's orthodontic treatment is basically not covered by insurance and is self-funded.
However, if any of the following three cases apply, the treatment may be covered by insurance.
- Cases in which bite problems are caused by a genetic disease or abnormality at birth as defined by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare.
- Cases in which three or more of the premolars and bicuspids are erupting inadequately, causing problems with the bite. And, those that require a buried tooth opening procedure.
- Cases where bite problems are caused by jaw deformities.
Are children's orthodontics (pediatric orthodontics) deductible as medical expenses?

Children's orthodontics is basically not covered by insurance,Medical expenses are deductible.
The medical expense deduction is a system under which you can receive an income tax refund and an inhabitant tax reduction if you paid 100,000 yen or more per year for eligible treatments combined. (*)
To receive a deduction for medical expenses, you must file an income tax return, so don't forget to file if your child's orthodontic treatment costs more than 100,000 yen* per year.
*For those whose gross income is less than 2 million yen, if 5% or more of their gross income is used for medical expenses.
How to reduce the cost of children's orthodontics (pediatric orthodontics)

There are several ways to reduce the cost of orthodontic care for children, including
- Check to see if the case is covered by insurance
- Apply for a medical expense deduction
- Use less expensive orthodontic devices
- Make sure the second phase of treatment is only partially orthodontic.
- Reduce the amount of each payment with a dental loan or installment plan.
- Become a dental clinic monitor, etc.
among (other things)How anyone can apply for a medical expense deductionSo, it is recommended. Remember to do this.

To learn more about how to reduce the cost of orthodontics, please click here!

The cost of orthodontic treatment for children is divided into Phase I and Phase II treatment,
- First stage treatment → 50,000-500,000 yen or more
- Second stage treatment → 300,000-500,000 yen or more
and by the time the permanent teeth are aligned and the bite is set,The total cost is 600,000-1,000,000 yen or more.It is.
It may be possible to reduce the cost by selecting an orthodontic device or applying for a medical expense deduction, so check carefully during the consultation.
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RELATED:What should I do about misaligned baby teeth? What to do before permanent teeth
365dentist General Supervisor Dentist/Yukiko
Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo
Supervisor: Dentist/Naomi
After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.