Why do I chew on my cheek meat? Countermeasures and causes.

Doctor, I often bite my cheek meat...
Why is this?

Biting the flesh of the cheek is painful and can cause it to bleed.
This time,I will discuss the causes and remedies for chewing on the cheek meat!
Causes of chewing on cheek meat

Causes of cheek meat chewing include the following
- age-related change
- bacarfat (fatty acid responsible for making bacarfat)
- Malfunctioning of crowns and dentures
- set of teeth
- temporomandibular joint disorder
- Stress and physical fatigue
- fat
Basically, sagging or bulging cheeks, crowns or dentures, biting, TMJ disorder, stress, or physical fatigue can derail the chewing function.
Sometimes only one cause can be responsible, but sometimes it is a combination of several causes.
age-related change
When the cheeks sag due to age-related changes,You may chew on the meat that has sagged on the inside of your cheeks.
Sagging cheeks due to age-related changes are mainly caused by a decrease in mouth muscle strength.
In addition, as teeth wear down with age and the bite becomes lower, it may become easier to chew on cheek meat.
bacarfat (fatty acid responsible for making bacarfat)
If you have a lot of bacal fat,The cheek meat tends to rise in the mouth and may be chewed on.
Buckwheat is the fat that lies under the skin of the cheeks. As it descends into the lower part of the cheeks with age, it may make it easier to chew on extra cheek meat.
The amount of bacal fat has little to do with being fat or thin. People with high amounts of bacal fat will be more likely to chew cheek meat.
Malfunctioning of crowns and dentures
Cavity treatment, ceramic treatment, or denture treatment may make it easier to chew on cheek meat.
Although the bite is adjusted when artificial teeth are placed,Caused by the mouth not adjusting to the new biteIt is.
set of teeth
The uneven alignment of the teeth may make it easier to chew on cheek meat.
Even when the alignment of the teeth causes people to chew on their cheek meat, many people are not bothered by the change in the shape of their cheek meat as they bite.
temporomandibular joint disorder
He said he had TMJ disorder and discord in his chewing muscles,Chewing motions may be disturbed, making it easier to chew cheek meat.
Stress and physical fatigue
Increased boning due to stress and physical exhaustion can lead to chewing on cheek meat while eating.
Not functional issues like bite,Caused by a fuzzy head and the brain's inability to control the chewing motion.It is.
Fattening up.The meat may protrude into the inside of the cheeks, making it easier to chew on the cheek meatThe following is a list of the most common problems with the
Countermeasures against chewing on cheek meat

If you find yourself chewing on your cheek meat, you may want to take the following steps
- drink water before meals
- wait and see
- Talk to your dentist.
- Improve sagging and fullness of the cheeks
- Get enough rest and prepare your mind and body.
drink water before meals
If you often chew your cheek meat while eating,I recommend drinking about a glass of water before eating.It is.
When the mouth is moist and slippery, chewing is less likely to involve the cheek meat.
wait and see
If it is due to bite changes such as tooth alignment, cavity treatment, ceramic treatment, denture treatment, etc,One way to do this is to take a look at the situation.
Humans are basically accustomed and adapt to the bite they have.
Therefore, if nothing is done for a while, they may stop chewing the cheek meat.
Talk to your dentist.
If you do not know the cause of the biting of the cheek meat, or if there is no improvement after you have looked at the situation,Consult with your dentist.
They will determine the cause and take appropriate measures from the following treatments.
- Adjustment of crowns and dentures
- orthodontic treatment
- Tooth Morphology Modification
- Treatment of TMJ disorder, etc.
Improve sagging and fullness of the cheeks
Depending on the cause of sagging or bulging cheeks, the following measures may make it more difficult to chew on cheek meat.
- Expression muscle training
- Removal or dissolution of bacal fat
- diet
When sagging cheeks are caused by aging
If it is caused by sagging cheeks due to aging,Training the facial muscles may make it harder to chew cheek meat.
When Bacarfat is the cause
If sagging or bulging cheeks are the cause,Removal or dissolution of bacal fat may improve the situation.
Removal or dissolution of bacarfat is usually performed by a cosmetic surgeon, but may also be performed by a dentist.
When fatness is the cause
If it is caused by weight gain, it can be improved by dieting.
Get enough rest and prepare your mind and body.
If it is caused by stress or physical fatigue,It is important to get enough sleep and nutrition and restIt is.
It is a good idea to take walks and get moderate exercise to improve not only your physical condition but also your mental condition.

Chewing on cheek meat is often caused by sagging or bulging cheeks due to age-related changes, bacal fat, sagging or bulging cheeks due to crowns, dentures, bite due to teeth alignment, TMJ disorder, stress, or physical fatigue that can derail the chewing function.
If you are concerned about chewing on your cheek meat, consider the measures described in this article.
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365dentist General Supervisor Dentist/Yukiko Katsuya
Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo
Supervisor: Dentist/Naomi
After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.