Is it true that switching from mouth to nose breathing results in a different face?

2564867 m aesthetic appreciation

Last updated on October 16, 2023


Doctor, I heard that switching from mouth breathing to nose breathing will result in a change in the face.
Is this true?


Yes, it is. It depends on the condition, but it is not impossible.
This time,Will your face change as a result of switching from mouth to nose breathing? I will talk about the following!

Does your face change as a result of switching from mouth to nose breathing?

Result of switching from mouth to nose breathing

There are two ways of human breathing: nasal breathing, which takes in oxygen through the nose, and mouth breathing, which takes in oxygen through the mouth.

Humans basically breathe mainly through the nose and breathe through the mouth when, for some reason, they cannot take in enough oxygen through the nose alone.

There is a relationship between breathing and the shape of the teeth and muscles around the mouth, which affect each other.

Therefore,Switching from mouth to nose breathing may change the alignment of the teeth and muscles around the mouth and change the facehaveThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

However, the possibility of facial changes as a result of switching from mouth to nose breathing varies between children and adults.

Switching from mouth to nose breathing in growing children may change their faces

If you make nasal breathing the main focus of your child's life while he or she is still growing,The future look of the face may change.

In general, children who breathe through their mouths and do not close their lips may have an imbalance between the force of pushing the teeth inward and the force of pushing the teeth outward with the tongue, which may lead to bucktooth, mouth gape, or a protruding mouth in the future.

For each set of teeth,

  • Bucktooth → face like a bird or rabbit
  • Mouth gobble → raised mouth face
  • Receiving mouth → concave nose, squat face

It has a unique face like aThe more severe the disease, the more obvious the change in facial appearance.

Children who are still growing may be able to prevent future facial deformities caused by worsening tooth alignment by using pediatric orthodontics to support the development of the upper and lower jaws as well as training to switch from mouth to nose breathing.

Adults who have finished growing have almost no chance of changing their faces if they switch from mouth to nose breathing.

Adults who have completed their growth period have already changed their facial features and fixed the shape of their facial bones due to misaligned teeth.

Therefore,Switching from mouth to nose breathing rarely changes the face.

If you want to improve your facial appearance, corrective treatment or cosmetic surgery is the way to go.

Are you a mouth breather? Checklist

Result of switching from mouth to nose breathing

Check to see if you are mouth breathing.

If one of these applies to you, you may be a main mouth breather.

  • Suddenly you realize your mouth is open.
  • I can't close my mouth.
  • Wrinkling and hardening of the tip of the lower jaw (marsupial) when the mouth is closed
  • Mouth and lips dry easily
  • Dry mouth and sore throat when waking up in the morning
  • Prone to bad breath
  • He's snoring.
  • Chomping and chewing food.
  • Spit tends to fly when speaking
  • having a stuffy nose
  • catch a cold easily

Disadvantages of mouth breathing

Result of switching from mouth to nose breathing

Mouth breathing has the following disadvantages

  • Alterations in the alignment of the teeth and facial appearance.
  • be more susceptible to disease

Deterioration of teeth and change in facial appearance.

Mouth breathing can cause a disruption in the balance between the muscles around the mouth and the strength of the tongue, which can worsen the alignment of the teeth.

Because the alignment of the teeth also affects the face and facial lines,As the teeth deteriorate, the face also changes.

be more susceptible to disease

Mouth breathing causes direct inhalation of air through the mouth, which directly introduces bacteria, viruses, and airborne pollutants into the body.

Therefore,You are more susceptible to colds and viral illnesses.

Another problem is that the mouth is always open, which makes it easy for the mouth to dry out.

Dry mouth leads to increased activity of oral bacteria.


  • cavity
  • periodontal disease
  • halitosis
  • stomatitis

etc.Increased risk of oral diseases.

How to switch from mouth breathing to nose breathing, how to breathe through the nose

Result of switching from mouth to nose breathing

Mouth breathing is bad for both the body and the mouth, so it is advisable to switch to nasal breathing.

Methods for switching to nasal breathing include the following

  • Concentrate on breathing through the nose.
  • Orthodontic treatment.
  • Tongue training.
  • Exercise the muscles around the mouth
  • Use commercially available mouth-breathing remedies

Concentrate on breathing through the nose.

Mouth breathing is mostly unconscious.

It's hard to do, but when your mouth is open, try to close it,Make a conscious effort to breathe through your nose.

Orthodontic treatment.

If mouth breathing is due to the alignment of the teeth or the size of the upper and lower jaws,Orthodontic treatment can make it easier to switch to nasal breathing.

Tongue training.

Tongue training and ensuring that the tongue is in the correct position will make it easier to switch from mouth to nose breathing.

Mouth breathing can also occur when the tongue is not in the correct position.

The correct position of the tongue is attached to the maxilla when the mouth is closed.

By doing the "Aiue exercise" and strengthening the muscles of the tongue, it becomes easier for the tongue to come to the correct position.

Aiyobe Gymnastics

  1. Pronounce "A, I, U" aloud, making sure to open your mouth wide.
  2. Finally, while pronouncing the word "be," push your tongue out in a large downward motion and stretch it out.

This process is performed after meals for 10 sets, a total of three times a day: morning, noon, and evening.

Do this for a month or more until the tongue has muscle strength.

Exercise the muscles around the mouth

Weak muscles around the mouth may result in mouth breathing due to inability to close the lips.

Chewing gum strengthens the muscles around the mouth, making it easier to switch from mouth to nose breathing.

Use commercially available mouth-breathing remedies

Several products are available on the market to improve mouth breathing.

It is also a good idea to consult with a dentist before using it to support the switch to nasal breathing.

The following are typical goods to improve mouth breathing

  • Tape to keep lips from opening while sleeping
  • Mouthpiece to guide tongue position
  • Supporter to hold the jaw to prevent the mouth from opening

However, depending on how it is used, it may cause breathing problems or have adverse effects on the jaw joints and bite.

If used, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its use and consult your dentist before using it.

Switching from mouth to nose breathing does not result in a definite facial change.

Result of switching from mouth to nose breathing

Even if mouth breathers switch to nose breathing, they are unlikely to see significant improvement if their face and teeth have already changed.

However, mouth breathing is associated with a high risk of disease and dental problems,It is better to switch to nasal breathing with orthodontic treatment and training of the muscles around the tongue and mouth.

In 365dentist,

  • Consultation via dentist-run open chat
  • Helping you find the right dentist for you
  • Useful columns about the mouth

to support your oral health and beauty!

If you are interested, please come visit us!

RELATED:What is the condition of beautiful teeth?

RELATED:What is the difference between "bucktooth" and "mouth sagging"? How to fix it and how much does it cost?

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Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo

UyRZkXPjQvAn5BK9ai6vfhAEgYGCePrS3Id158EZKuev 2TIlSXaZPkxY9dJ 3vCTCm7hqIEw6AzmlpdiuMD8H 9aD01UftplKrgMtn7dmYeSupervisor: Dentist/Naomi

After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.


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