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Mejiro] Mejiro Dentistry & Orthodontics
Dentist's Choice for Orthodontics

Mejiro] Mejiro Dentistry & Orthodontics



Particularly recommended for

  • 虫歯治療や親知らずの抜歯なども1医院で完結したい方

  • Those who want to be treated in a clinic that specializes in many cases of mouthpiece orthodontic treatment.

  • 費用を抑えつつベテランの先生に治療してもらいたい方

Dr. Yukiko
Dr. Yukiko

In a clinic where the director, who is very particular about treatment, will see you from the beginning to the end,General dentists on staff.because it isThe process can be completed in one clinic, from checking for cavities prior to orthodontic treatment, to making temporary teeth, to tooth extractions.

The clinic is open every day from Monday through Sunday and is open until 8:00 p.m. on weekdays, making it easy to make an appointment and avoiding delays in treatment.

What is the Director like?

The director, Dr. Yamazawa, is,with a comical airA teacher with a bright and fun personalityIt is.

He has a nice smile and is very easy to talk to, smiling and listening gently.

Other.I have a lot of trust from my orthodontist, and I've had several doctors recommend me.We are pleased to meet you.

He is very frank and friendly, but very particular about his treatment,3D scanner and CTAlso use the meticulouslyclose inspectionand not only the appearance of the product, but also theocclusion (of teeth)Treatment with care forThe company has been

After graduating from Tokyo Medical and Dental University, he studied orthodontic wire braces at the same graduate school,PhDandCertified by the Japanese Association of Orthodontists and certified for over 20 yearsHe is an excellent and experienced teacher with an outstanding career who continues to renew his

After mastering wire treatment, he has been actively working on mouthpiece orthodontics, and is now awarded only to those doctors who have a large number of cases per year.Recognized as a Diamond Provider of InvisalignHe treats many patients on a daily basis.

ベテランの認定医の先生は表側矯正の修行を何年もしているため、ついつい表側矯正推しになりがちです。しかし山澤先生は患者さんからのニーズにより応えられるよう、裏側やマウスピース矯正の知識と技術も積極的に習得し、あまり得意としない先生が多いInvisalign for Extraction Casesand ... andInvisalign for Children(Invisalign First).



Mejiro Orthodontics is recommended for

Those who wish to complete cavity treatment and wisdom tooth extraction in one clinic.

Mejiro Orthodontics, though, is a clinic opened by a director who specializes in orthodontics,The clinic also includes doctors specializing in cavity treatment, oral surgery, implants, and esthetic treatments.The following is a brief description of the correction process. Therefore, before correctingComprehensive treatment including cavity treatment and dental implantsreceive the same benefits as those of the other companies.

I want to start orthodontics, butI haven't been to the dentist for many years and am worried about cavities.(after a noun, adjective stem, onomatopoeic-mimetic word, etc.) exceedingly

...Easy to form cavitiesWorried about cavities during orthodontic treatment(after a noun, adjective stem, onomatopoeic-mimetic word, etc.) exceedingly

After correction.We need to do some treatment of the capsules.side (e.g. "on my mother's side")


Since the director of an orthodontic clinic is well versed in orthodontic treatment, the treatment at an orthodontist's clinic is more specialized than general dentistry, which employs orthodontists several days a month, and there are many advantages to having a stable and wide range of treatment options. However, the need to have a general dentist is somewhat cumbersome and can be considered a disadvantage.

Mejiro Orthodontics is a clinic that specializes in orthodontics but also offers general treatment,Advantages of Treatment at an Orthodontic Specialist ClinicWhile enjoying theCan also be attended as a family dentist for management of cavities and periodontal disease treatment.The clinic is a valuable place to live and work.

Minutes worked by multiple doctors,Open on weekends and until 8pm on weekdays.Therefore, even if you need to make a reservation at short notice, you don't have to worry about it.

Those who want to be treated in a clinic that specializes in many cases of mouthpiece orthodontic treatment.

The most significant appeal point of Mejiro Orthodontics is,Mouthpiece orthodontic treatment is available by a doctor who is familiar with all orthodontic treatments including wire.This is to say.

Half of the orthodontic patients at Mejiro Orthodontics choose Invisalign, and the director, Dr. Yamazawa, prepares treatment plans for all of them and monitors their progress.

Dr. Yamazawa is awarded to the doctor with the highest number of Invisalign cases per year.Diamond ProvidersHe has also been elected to theCumulative total of over 1,000 casesWe also have experience in the treatment of

Invisalign provider systems can also be obtained by consolidating cases from many branch offices. For this reason, there are large corporations that claim to have Diamond Provider clinics even though the individual doctors have little experience, and there are clinics that claim to be able to provide treatment by Diamond Provider doctors by hiring Diamond Provider doctors and outsourcing only the planning. However, Mejiro Dental & Orthodontics is not a branch office, and all of our treatments are performed by the director of a single clinic.

The number of cases is not everything, as it means nothing if the treatment is not clean, but Mejiro OrthodonticsBeautiful case.So please check it out.

Even cases involving tooth extractions, which are considered difficult with Invisalign, are beautifully finished.


Those who want to see an experienced doctor while keeping costs down.

The Director, Dr. Yamazawa, is a member of the20 years after obtaining certification from the Japanese Association of OrthodonticsHe is a veteran orthodontist who has been involved in orthodontics for more than

We are familiar not only with wire orthodontic treatment but also with backside orthodontic treatment and mouthpiece orthodontic treatment.Let the patient choose according to his/her lifestyle.The following is an example of a product that can be used in the following ways.

You are also a teacher who writes daily and speaks at seminars and workshops,Low treatment costsThis is also a very good point for patients.

Although it depends on the type of bracket and the location of the clinic, the market price in Tokyo is usually around 700,000 yen (plus tax) or more for front side braces,650,000 yen (+ tax) at Mejiro OrthodonticsThe program is available at

Invisalign can also be provided relatively inexpensively due to the large number of cases, with unrestricted cases starting at 750,000 yen (plus tax) and lighter cases with fewer pieces starting at 300,000 yen (plus tax).

In addition, the director's thoughtful consideration was to offer a 50,000 yen discount to those who had worked so hard to find a clinic and read the article,When you make a reservation, say you saw the article on 365.600,000 yen (plus tax) for front side braces,Invisalign is 700,000 yen (plus tax)Discounts are not available for partial orthodontic treatment. *Partial correction is not eligible for discount.

The clinic is also very conscientious because children starting with pediatric orthodontics can receive treatment at a cost that is calculated so that the total cost is not different from those starting with adults.

What equipment and tooth alignment can be accommodated?

Mejiro Dentistry & Orthodontics

Equipment that can be handled

Front side, back side, mouthpieceAll devices can be selected.

We carry all Invisalign products from unrestricted to mild cases.

Invisalign (Invisalign First) for children is also availableYes.

Anchor screws and other assistive devices and pediatric orthodontic expansion floors may also be used as needed.

[Supportable teeth

Rattling, bucktooth, passive mouth, or gap teeth,All cases that can be treated without bone cutting surgeryThe company is doing so.

Tooth extractions and implant anchor procedures are also available in the hospital.

Referral to the University for cases requiring jawbone cutting surgery andIt will be.

What are the facilities and atmosphere of the clinic?

Please refer to the video showing the entire clinic.

You can also see the teacher's mischievous side at ☺️

The hospital isInterior full of a sense of luxuryand clean.

The instruments and machines are nicely organized, making the clinic an easy place to spend time.

A full examination will also check the thickness of the boneStandard CT imagingThey are doing so.

The clinic also routinely performs wisdom tooth extractions and implants, so it is a safe environment for general dental care as well.

What people who attend Mejiro Dentistry & Orthodontics have to say


Here are some reviews from actual patients who have attended Mejiro Orthodontics!

  • I think the doctor is very skilled. A dental hygienist I know also complimented me on how Invisalign can make me look so beautiful. He is very accommodating and will help you figure out how to make it beautiful.
  • When I told him I couldn't make a decision right away because of the cost, he gave me the materials I needed to review at home, which made me feel very comfortable with the dentist.
  • Everyone involved in the treatment provides easy-to-understand explanations with images and other explanations, so I am always satisfied with my visit.

(Adapted from google)

Mejiro Dentistry & Orthodontics

Mejiro Dentistry & Orthodontics
address (e.g. of house)
ヒューリックビル 3F
Phone number
・JR山手線 目白駅
Office Hours
Morning 10:00-13:00
Afternoon 15:00-20:00
Saturday and Sunday
Morning 10:00-13:00
Afternoon 15:00-18:00
doctor's no-consultation day
Holidays only