Should I not brush my tongue? How to brush properly and the advantages and disadvantages.

You shouldn't brush your tongue because it makes your breath stronger.I asked.

Yes, tongue brushing is an effective form of self-care for bad breath.
However, it must be done correctly because of the harmful effects of incorrect or excessive tongue brushing.
This time,Here are some reasons why you should not brush your tongue, the correct way to brush, and the advantages and disadvantages of tongue brushing!
Disadvantages: Why is it said that it is better not to brush the tongue?

Tongue brushing is an effective care to prevent bad breath, prevent halitosis, maintain taste function, and prevent aspiration pneumonia.
But why do people say, "You shouldn't brush your tongue"?
This is,Because brushing the tongue the wrong way or brushing the tongue too much can cause problems such asIt is.
- Halitosis may worsen.
- May cause taste disorder
This can happen if tongue brushing is not done correctly, so let's first understand the disadvantages of tongue brushing.
Halitosis may worsen.
Brushing the tongue removes tongue grime (dirt on the tongue), which causes bad breath, and prevents or improves halitosis.
However, if the tongue is scratched and damaged by rubbing it hard, the surface of the tongue becomes inflamed and the mucous membrane on the surface of the tongue peels off.
Peeled mucous membranes are food for bacteria that produce the odoriferous substances of halitosis. Therefore,When the tongue becomes inflamed, bacteria become active and produce odorants that cause bad breath.... is that ...The following is a list of the most common problems with the
The tongue is a delicate organ and should be gently cared for.
May cause taste disorder
On the surface of the tongue, there is a tissue called "taste buds (mirai).
We are able to taste because when food touches the tongue, the taste buds detect sweet and bitter tastes and transmit them to the brain.
However,Too much tongue brushing can damage the taste buds and prevent them from functioning properly.
If you are brushing your tongue and have difficulty tasting, be aware that your taste buds may be damaged.
Advantages of Tongue Brushing

Proper tongue brushing has the following benefits
- Halitosis prevention
- Maintaining taste function
- Prevention of aspiration pneumonia
Halitosis prevention
By brushing the tongue,It can remove tongue debris that causes bad breath.
Tongue debris is a mass of food debris, old and flaky mucous membranes, and bacteria. When the absolute buildup occurs, unpleasant-smelling gases are produced, resulting in bad breath.
This is the most important benefit of tongue brushing.
Maintaining taste function
Tongue polishers areThis leads to the maintenance of normal taste function.
Tongue coating can dull the ability of the taste buds to sense taste. As a result, the tongue may not be satisfied with food that is not rich in flavor or oily, and the tongue may not feel full.
If you brush your tongue, your taste buds will work properly, allowing you to fully taste the food, leading to a sense of satiety and happiness.
Prevention of aspiration pneumonia
Tongue polish is,Helps prevent aspiration pneumonia.
Aspiration pneumonia is an illness caused by mouth bacteria accidentally entering the lungs along with food and saliva.
Tongue debris contains food debris, old and flaking mucous membranes, and bacteria.
Therefore, an increase in tongue coating simply increases the number of bacteria that enter the lungs when aspirated.
To prevent aspiration pneumonia, it is important to keep the mouth clean. Since an increase in tongue coating makes the mouth filthy, brush your tongue in conjunction with brushing your teeth.
How to brush your tongue properly

To properly brush your tongue and remove tongue debris, the following care is recommended.
- Use a tongue brush
- Consume foods that reduce tongue coating.
- Mouthwash to prevent adhesion of tongue debris
- Be aware of nasal breathing
- Use oral moisturizers.
- go to the dentist
Use a tongue brush
To remove tongue debris, it is recommended to brush the tongue with a tongue brush.
Because the tongue is easily damaged,Use a soft-bristled tongue brush to gently stroke the surface of the tongue to remove tongue debris.
It is best to do this once a day at most, as over-brushing can worsen bad breath.
Due to decreased saliva production at bedtime, more tongue coating is present upon awakening. Brushing the tongue in the morning is recommended.
Consume foods that reduce tongue coating.
For the following foods,It is expected to reduce the amount of tongue coating.
- Pineapple Kiwi
- The enzymes break down proteins on the tongue and reduce tongue coating.
- honey
- It reduces tongue tangles, alleviates dryness of the mouth, and its antibacterial properties prevent the growth of bacteria that are the source of tongue coating.
If you are prone to tongue coating, try incorporating it into your diet.
Mouthwash to prevent adhesion of tongue debris
If you gargle with mouthwash after brushing your teeth,It can wash away food debris on the tongue and prevent the adhesion of tongue coating.
Mouthwash can also be expected to prevent bad breath due to its disinfectant effect.
Be aware of nasal breathing
When the mouth becomes dry due to mouth breathing, the ability of saliva to wash away tongue coating is weakened.
It's difficult because it's a habit,Be aware to close your mouth and breathe through your nose.
Use oral moisturizers.
People who have low saliva due to medication or constitutional factors are prone to tongue coating,Use of oral moisturizers to moisten the mouth is recommended.It is.
There are gel types with high moisturizing power and spray types with little discomfort, so use the one that suits you best.
go to the dentist
Tongue coating may increase due to oral candidiasis, systemic disease, or medication.
If tongue coating does not fall off even after correct tongue brushing, it may be necessary to treat the disease or change medications. Consult your dentist for advice.
Recommended goods for tongue polishing

Here are some recommended products for tongue polishing!
Dental Pro Tongue Brush
This tongue brush can be used just like a toothbrush. The very soft bristles of the brush are very gentle on the tongue, and the thin brush portion is recommended for people who are prone to the vomiting reflex due to the feeling of a foreign object.
beautiful woman (esp. one with a beautiful face) with a beautiful tongue
This type of tongue brush uses a silicone material spatula to write out tongue debris. The silicone is easy to clean and the simple design makes it easier to clean than the brush type.
NONIO Tongue cleaning gel
This is a cleaning gel for the tongue that lifts up tongue debris and makes it easier to remove. In addition to making it easier to remove tongue debris, the mild mint scent makes tongue brushing a refreshing experience.

It is sometimes said that tongue brushing should not be done because it can worsen bad breath and cause taste disorder if done incorrectly.
However,If done correctly, it removes tongue grime that causes bad breath and is effective in preventing and improving halitosis.indicates certainty, emphasis, etc.The following is a summary of the results of the study.
It also helps to maintain normal taste function, prevent aspiration pneumonia, and otherwise help people eat well and stay healthy.
Learn the correct method and reinforce daily self-care by brushing your tongue once a day.
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365dentist General Supervisor Dentist/Yukiko Katsuya
Graduated from Nagasaki University School of Dentistry, ~2018 Kyushu Medical Center, 2018-present Working at a dental clinic in Tokyo
Supervisor: Dentist/Naomi
After completing clinical training, worked in cosmetic dentistry in Tokyo. Currently a dentist and dental writer.