Why are the spaces between my teeth brown? I will also tell you how to get whiter teeth!
目次 歯と歯の間の茶色い汚れは何?着色汚れ虫歯歯と歯の間が茶色いときの治し方着色汚れの場合ホワイトニ...
What is the toothpaste situation like in Korea? Introducing popular oral care items.
目次 韓国の歯磨き事情1日あたり3〜4回歯磨きをする習慣を持つ人が多い外出時に歯ブラシを持ち運ぶ人が...
Are BTS members' teeth ceramic? Orthodontics? Toothbrushes also available
Is it true that dentists don't use electric toothbrushes? A dentist will show you the advantages, disadvantages, and proper use.
この記事では、以下の内容がわかります ぜひ最後まで読んでみてくださいね。 目次 電動歯ブラシを歯医者...
Dentist Supervision] How to brush your teeth after tooth extraction? Four points to keep in mind!
目次 抜歯後の歯磨きで気をつける4つのポイント歯ブラシの選び方365dentistのおすすめ!DEN...
Ten toothpastes recommended by dentists and dental hygienists, by effectiveness!
Dentist Supervision] How long is the appropriate amount of time to brush one's teeth? We will also teach you the optimal frequency and time of day.
あなたは何分くらいかけて歯を磨きますか? 1分以内で終わる人や10分以上かける人、歯磨きの時間には個...